Route 66 Recent BIBLE STUDIES:

Feb 21, 2019

How Do We Make Society Better? LEFT V.S. RIGHT #5 ~ Dennis Prager

Editor's Note:     As a Follower of Christ and a disciple, it is critical how you think on a variety of societal issues. The Bible tells us that we as Christians are "ARE IN THE WORLD", but "NOT OF THE WORLD", yet still we are astounded by our culture's rapid LEFT-Wing agenda that threatens to challenge and change everything we know to be Good and True as presented in scripture.  How can two people-groups so culturally similar have such radically-different and opposing viewpoints?  You may be wondering where exactly some of your Conservative viewpoints as a christian were formed?   ... or more likely ask yourself after years of observing our country (and world) and it's continually progressive Liberal drift, "Why am I so frustrated with those liberal/left-wing thinkers who always get it so wrong?   

Talk Show host Dennis Prager has a series of thought-provoking videos discussing LEFT VS. RIGHT viewpoints.  I challenge you as a christian to objectively listen to each of his presentations which give us some clues into origins of our typically Christian Conservative viewpoints readily opposed by Liberal thinkers. 

In 2009, Prager started a website, Prager University, offering five-minute videos on various subjects such as the Ten Commandments, the minimum wage, the Middle EastGlobal warming, and happiness with a conservative perspective.  To be very clear, Mr. Prager is NOT a Christian, but has his roots as an Orthodox Jew, thus his videos do not necessarily view scripture exactly as Christians view scripture, nonetheless there are many general parallels between.  Here is another video in this series:
How do you want to improve America? By focusing on improving and refining yourself? Or by transforming society? The answer to that question will reveal whether you're on the Left or the Right

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