Route 66 Recent BIBLE STUDIES:

Jan 19, 2019

Another Attack On Men? ~ This Time By Gillette

Editorial Opinion:

I don't think we need Gillette telling us what we should all inherently already know. We are made in His Image and our conscience bears witness that there is right and wrong choices for each of us. Gillette is using this ad to ultimately sell more of their product and in doing so we can be deceived.
Jesus said, "...that which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications (sexual immorality), murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within and defile the man (or woman)." ~ Mark 7
So Christian, please don't blur the lines. This week's new term ("toxic-mascullinity" or for that matter "toxic-femininity") are really just other words for sin. The Gillette ad folks will never defer to Scripture or understand the actual "sin-dynamic" inherent at the root of this discussion. In fact anything "scriptural" is unable to be grasped by sinful people. The Bible says that it takes the Holy Spirit to illuminate and teach us what God requires of us.
You cannot conquer sin except through the power of God's Holy Spirit. Apart from the influence of the Spirit we as men and women default to our base nature. Thus the effect of this ad tells me that if I just try "a little harder", I can be at my best ...and put this sexual abuse thing away once and for all. NOT; This is a lie and YOU are deceived. You cannot conquer your sin problem ...apart from yielding to the power of God's Spirit!
"Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom." ~ 2 Corinthians 3:17
But, here is the ad decide for yourself; Below are my thoughts after I first heard about this ad.:

In my opinion Procter & Gamble parent and its prodigy “Gillette”, should stick to mass-producing shaving cream instead of pulling attention-getting goofy stunts like what I saw this week. Since when does a manufacturer of overpriced products get to suddenly be a crusader for social justice? Few men I know act like the ungentlemanly-seeming actors in this ad. Yes, actually I do know about abuse the MeToo movement has uncovered and am sorry for the individuals who behave so badly and their victims – and I have little patience for these bully-propagators. Historically, they’ve been around for centuries, so nothing real new here. They are men who know better, yet ignore their God-given conscience. But it’s as if Gillette is tone-deaf & selectively ignoring society’s continuing attack on the North-American male. In fact, it is now a contributor to the “attack-the-males” campaign. Is this attack deserved or is it time to push back?
Yes, I mean it’s an attack on the same male who learns to be a plumber, electrician, mechanic, builder, miner, fisherman or what-have-you etc. and sacrifices near-every waking moment (40-60 hours each week) in making a living for his family from his hard employment work; He then leaves work for home and begins more work at the house …serving them and supporting every aspect of their well-being, through protection of their person and identity through his mentoring/teaching, inspiring their much-needed values, paying for their post-secondary schooling, and helping that same family find their way in an increasing competitive, confusing world ….Yes THAT male! In many cases he will “go without” so that his family “can-have”. Yes, THAT male!
Yet to watch the sitcoms and now the accusatory Gillette ads, he is portrayed as nothing short of a boorish fool with the new buzzword “toxic-masculinity”??? (By the way ...there really isn't any such thing as toxic-masculinity". But IF there was really was a "thing" called "toxic-masculinity", it would be more like, forgetting to use my Procter&Gamble Crest toothpaste for a week OR perhaps otherwise it would be personified as Justin Trudeau's miscalculated dance steps in India last year....both "toxic" imo. )
AARRRggghh, …my goodness give me a break! Take this ridiculous ad off the air! This is just the latest invented term for bad-behavior (the Bible clearly calls it out as sin in 2 Corinthians 3:17) Where did we lose our way in the past 30/40 years? Has it come down to society expressing its thanks for what all good men have done by an ad like this? A man who earns respect, works his tail off for his family, behaves himself and admits when he’s wrong and adjusts his course, …THAT guy needs to receive respect and be appreciated, not attacked. He is a dying breed in society & Gillette has evidently turned their corporate back on him for their own purposes.
Meanwhile, the flip-side of this “societal-coin” are the humanistic “rights-demander” endeavors. Foremost seems to be the over-militant feminist movement who have aggressively taken over (or is trying to) our society in many aspects; e.g. as in “my body/my decision” for example (...would that be "toxic-femininity"?). Our society & its twisted notions have swung far-left. Society has outspokenly declared that this attempt at a left-leaning society is OK with 59 million abortion murders in the USA since Roe vs. Wade in 1973 (…and 42 million worldwide in 2018 alone.)??? How does a “MY Body/MY Decision” goal work well when 42 million people worldwide in 2018 alone die? Isn’t this unbalanced Mr. Gillette??? Of course, it is, severely unbalanced; yet the males are chosen to be criticized by Gillette and the "toxic"-feminists ignored. If that doesn't grip you, something's very wrong imo.
This injustice really upsets me! And yet Gillette misguidedly chooses to attack (especially) the white male because he catcalls and occasionally some few behave badly. Huh??? Stop the condescending nonsense Gillette and show some respect for the men that make our world as we know it possible! This has me irked somewhat, …but end of rant! By the way Gillette, I really like my Turbo Mach Three; stick to what you do well. I can think of 42 million recent reasons why your focus is flawed!


Ed's Note:
The following ad is by EGARD, a watch company. Which ad do you feel more accurately portrays a man?

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