Route 66 Recent BIBLE STUDIES:

Oct 11, 2017

Rev. Jim Cantelon debates Rabbi Tovia Singer about Jesus

Ed's Note:   The Jew and the Christian
The Jewish people have a very difficult time with placing Jesus in the center of their belief system.  That Jesus was the Messiah does not sit well with them whatsoever.  That God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit make up the Trinity is laughable to the Jewish mind.  This was the mindset that Hebrews was addressed to.

During this interesting debate, Rabbi Tovia reaches out with typical deadpan Jewish humor, "Why did God create Mormons?"    "...Because then Christians will know how Jews feel about them!" 😎

I very much enjoy listening to Rabbi Tovia Singer elaborate Old Testament teachings.  He is the closest thing to a human encyclopedia that I've ever seen!  He has been a New York City talk-show host. Many of his OT studies populate YouTube, where he brings to the table his years of Old Testament study, and a rich Jewish cultural perspective.  He has the ability to bring an otherwise dry or mysterious passage to life.  However, he has missed the message of the Messiah!  While Jesus Christ is somewhat concealed in the OLD, He is revealed in the NEW!  

Rev. Jim Cantelon is an evangelical minister, author, talk-show host and church-planter.  In 1983,  he founded King of Kings Assembly (an Evangelical church) in Jerusalem. At one time in my life, Jim and I attended the same Sunday School class in Brampton, and there were few dull moments when he was there.  I appreciate the way Jim Cantelon is able to be winsome yet very firm on the claims of Christ,  as he discusses his faith in Jesus as the Messiah!  Jim shows a delicate sensitivity towards Rabbi Singer's Jewish beliefs and continually builds a bridge towards him.  This in my view, is a strong witness for Christ.

"Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts."  ~ 2 Corinthians 3:15

Listening to this brilliant Jewish Rabbi, makes me wonder if Orthodox Jews will someday embrace the Anti-Christ as his "Messiah" since they are significantly blinded towards Jesus Christ. 

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