Route 66 Recent BIBLE STUDIES:

Mar 24, 2017

When You Don’t Understand ~ Kent Redfearn

Ed's Note:  Pastor Kent Redfearn is an AOG pastor in Anchorage, Alaska and a popular &  frequent summer Braeside Camp speaker, who I always find fresh and enjoyable to listen to.  Last week a member of his congregation died far too early.  Her photo is below.  Pastor Kent took the funeral and helped his congregation through a tough time that didn't seem to make sense.


"Let us reason together…" Isaiah 1:18

Jesus made it simple.
He authored no novels, leadership, psychology, or religious texts.
Amazingly, the Ultimate Truth created no dogma, creed, or liturgy.
The All Knowing made it simple.  Put it on the lower shelf.  Placed it in the shallow end.  Even guys like me with a small UQ (Understanding Quotient) can get it.
“Thy kingdom come, thy will be done.” Jesus taught.
I’m to surrender my will to His, when I understand and when I don’t.
My life finds all of its meaning when I raise the white flag of surrender to God.
Surrendering my wish to understand is sometimes the most challenging surrender of them all. Desiring to “understand” is often a code word for “God, you didn’t follow my advice or demands.”
Crazy, isn’t it? To think that I could counsel the Counselor.
Years ago I had the delight of talking with the prolific song writer, Ira Stanphill. Ira said, “One day my life suddenly made no sense at all. Out of the blue I received a manila envelope. When I opened it I was shocked beyond belief. My wife had filed for divorce. I was in total shock. The breath was knocked out of me. I couldn’t believe it. A couple of days later, as I was leaving an attorney’s office, I was weeping with deep grief. I had no strength to walk another step. Leaning against a street light pole to keep me from falling over, I had a thought that I wrote down on the back of that same manila folder.”
Tho’ shadows deepen, and my heart bleeds,
I will not question the way He leads;
This side of Heaven we know in part,
I will not question a broken heart.
We’ll talk it over in the bye and bye.
We’ll talk it over, my Lord and I.
I’ll ask the reasons – He’ll tell me why,
When we talk it over in the bye and bye.
I’ll trust His leading, He’ll never fail,
Thru darkest tunnels or misty vales.
Obey his bidding and faithful be,
Tho’ only one step ahead I see.
We’ll talk it over in the bye and bye.
We’ll talk it over, my Lord and I.
I’ll ask the reasons – He’ll tell me why,
When we talk it over in the bye and bye.
I’ll hide my heartache behind a smile
And wait for reasons ’til after while.
And tho’ He try me, I know I’ll find
That all my burdens are silver lined.
We’ll talk it over in the bye and bye.
We’ll talk it over, my Lord and I.
I’ll ask the reasons – He’ll tell me why,
When we talk it over in the bye and bye.
When things aren’t making sense for you, join Jesus in Gethsemane and pray,
“Nevertheless, not my will but thine be done.”

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