Route 66 Recent BIBLE STUDIES:

Mar 28, 2017

M-103 ~ an anti-Islamophobia motion ~ Royal Hamel

Light For The Journey

By Rev. Royal Hamel
The House of Commons is presently debating an anti-Islamophobia motion presented by Liberal MP Iqra Khalid.
It calls for the House of Commons to "condemn Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination." A committee would be established to study how to reduce racism and religious discrimination including Islamophobia and then report back within 240 days.
Let's be clear the passage of this motion will not restrict freedom of speech at present. This is only a motion, not a bill that would enact law if passed. But it is a significant first step in the wrong direction.
Many Liberal politicians, and columnists have tried to play down the danger to freedom of speech. But it is entirely disingenuous for people like Michael Chong and others to insist this motion will be harmless. They all know that before bills are introduced in parliament they are quite often studied at committee level.
The danger lies in setting the stage for a government committee to come back eight months from now and recommending an actual bill that will have restrictive and dangerous limitations on free speech. Indeed, anyone who legitimately wants to critique Islam as a religion and a political force will likely be muzzled, censored and victimized by federal and provincial Human Rights Commissions.
No, not as a direct result of M-103, but what it is designed to achieve. Passing this motion is like allowing the proverbial camel to get his head into the door of the tent.
Some Conservative leaders like Maxime Bernier and others have gone on record saying they will vote against Motion-103. I applaud them. They do not have their head stuck in the sand like far too many others.
It's worth noting the only religion singled out for protection by name in M-103 is Islam. It does not mention Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians or any other religion.
In 2009 the UN Human Rights Council voted on a resolution condemning the "defamation of religion" as a violation of human rights. In simple terms the resolution argued that if someone defames - criticizes or opposes - my religion, that person has violated my human rights.
The resolution brought by the Organization for Islamic Cooperation met with stiff opposition from secular, religious, and media groups worldwide. Atheist Christopher Hitchens pointed out that it "seeks to extend protection not to humans but to opinions and ideas"
Canada's representative told the assembly, "It is individuals who have rights, not religions Canada believes that to extend (the notion of) defamation beyond its proper scope would jeopardize the fundamental right to freedom of expression, which includes freedom of expression on religious subjects."
It is certainly legitimate to pass laws to protect individual people against unfair treatment. But, it is not legitimate to pass laws protecting their religious ideas or beliefs from criticism. Indeed such a law would be a form of tyranny and censorship.
And yet that's exactly what M-103, like the UN resolution, hopes to achieve.
What could be the consequences if M-103 succeeds in birthing a bill to combat Islamophobia? Ironically, "protecting" one set of beliefs creates (however unintentionally) the possibility of a whole new set of victims.
Journalists, Pastors, Priests, practitioners of other religions, professors at Bible Colleges and Seminaries, historians and researchers of radical or political Islam, teachers, and University professors will all find themselves in danger by any bill that shields Islam from criticism.
Let me be clear: Any discriminatory actions against people because of their faith is wrong. Violence against people because of their faith is abominable. These things should be, and are already outlawed in Canada.
But it is misguided and dangerous to democracy and free speech, even if, "well intentioned", to "protect" any ideology, worldview or particular religion from the dissenting, even critical opinions of others.
Motion M-103 is not good for Canadian freedoms.

Royal Hamel is Assistant Pastor at Kitchener Waterloo Chinese Alliance Church. He is the author of, Unmuzzle Your Inner Sheep, a freelance journalist and past president of the Evangelical Fellowship of Guelph.. Contact him at

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