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Jan 17, 2017

Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham Seek to 'Safeguard' Israel ~ Bob Eschliman


In the wake of the United Nations Security Council voting 14-0 to approve the anti-Israel Resolution 2334, the world body quickly developed two outspoken critics in U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).
Politically, despite being in the same party, Cruz and Graham see eye to eye on very little, but they both agreed that UNSC Resolution 2334 could not stand. Thursday, they introduced the Safeguard Israel Act, which will cut off funding to the United Nations until the president certifies to Congress that the resolution has been repealed.
"I'm proud to be working with Lindsey on this important legislation," Cruz said. "President Obama betrayed decades of robust bipartisan American support for Israel at the United Nations by permitting the passage of a biased resolution that condemns our close friend and ally.
"The Security Council's resolution is only the latest example of the U.N.'s long history of obsessive hostility towards Israel and we must not let this shameful action stand. Congress must hold the U.N. accountable and use our leverage as its largest contributor to push for the repeal of this resolution, making it clear to the world that Congress stands unequivocally against efforts to undermine Israel."
Graham was equally resolute in his stand for Israel.
"Twenty-two percent of the money to fund the U.N. comes from the American taxpayer," he said. "I don't think it's a good investment for the American taxpayer to give money to an organization that condemns the only democracy in the Mideast, and takes the settlement issue and says that's the most important and only issue in terms of an impediment to peace.
"I begged the U.N. months before, don't put me in this box. This was John Kerry and Obama taking a slap at Israel. We're going to push back. I think most Americans believe the United Nations has become more anti-Semitic, more anti-Israeli. And I'm a big internationalist, but we're going to stop the money until we get this fixed. I appreciate Ted's leadership on this."
The Safeguard Israel Act outlines numerous reasons why UNSC Resolution 2334 should be repealed, including:
  • It attempts to pre-judge the basis for negotiations, predetermine the outcome of negotiations and dictate terms and conditions, which is an abandonment of long-standing policy of the United States and previous commitments made to Israel.
  • It falsely claims that Israel's sovereignty over the eastern part of Jerusalem and Jewish communities in the West Bank are illegal under international law, and that the Old City of Jerusalem, along with the Temple Mount, the holiest site for the Jewish people, and the Western Wall are ''occupied Palestinian territory'' 
  • It encourages the International Criminal Court to open an illegitimate formal investigation against Israel.
  • It will help to strengthen the Palestinian diplomatic, economic and legal warfare campaign against Israel and encourages boycotts, divestments and sanctions against Israel. 
Click here to read the full text of the Safeguard Israel Act.

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