Route 66 Recent BIBLE STUDIES:

Nov 16, 2016

Signs You Have a Great Husband ~ By Hermes Alberto Carvajal

Marriage is wonderful, but at the same time it can be a challenge. Who wouldn’t want to be married to an incredible guy, like the ones you see on TV, in novels or in movies? Remember, there are two people in a marriage, so both must make an effort for the relationship to work. 

But, is there such a thing as the perfect husband? Well, nobody’s perfect, but these signs will tell you if your husband is one of the good ones. And though we’ll get into it later on, having a good husband is something you should appreciate and care for. Here are 10 signs that you have a great husband. Husbands are great people; but the best ones aren’t always on the market or easy to find. If your husband possesses these qualities, you have a wonderful man in your life. Hold onto him.

He Loves Spending Time with You
One sign that you have a great husband is if he loves being near you and tenderly shows it. No matter what you do together, he enjoys being near you. He laughs, makes jokes, takes your hand, touches your hair and makes you feel like a special woman. If your husband can stay home and watch a romantic movie with you, or go out to eat because he likes being with you, you’ve married a good man. But don’t make the mistake of thinking that a good husband is merely one who likes romantic movies and restaurants.
A great sign that there is mutual love in a marriage is the desire to adapt to the good habits and preferences of one’s spouse. Maybe you don’t like going out to the movies, but he does. Maybe you like Italian food and he likes Mexican food. A lot of happy couples adapted to activities they didn’t like before, but they now enjoy them together. Don’t focus on whether you like the activity your husband likes, just appreciate and value the fact that he wants to spend time with you.
He’s Willing to Teach You What He Knows
Another sign that you have a great husband is if he is willing to teach you what he knows and is patient through the process. Maybe your husband doesn’t have the patience to teach you automobile mechanics, but he can teach you to fish or to cook. Remember ladies, husbands can cook too! You should appreciate when he wants you to learn something, even if it seems he’s thinking you’re “not as smart” as he is when it comes to a particular craft. Your husband is showing you he’s the best guy in the world when he really wants you to learn something. If he wants to teach you, accept it.

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