Route 66 Recent BIBLE STUDIES:

Jul 7, 2015

The Star of Bethlehem ~ Captain Jim Dodge

The Christmas Star Promo Video

O star of wonder, star of night,
 Star with royal beauty bright,
Westward leading, still proceeding,
 Guide us to thy perfect Light. ~from We Three Kings

Ed's Note:   Thanks to Fern Zarrafo for suggesting this story!  This research presentation is an amazing combination of ancient scripture and applied science, which again proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that God's Word is ahead of today's newspaper by a good margin!
Unfortunately I was away at summer camp ( wifi/internet there) with my family the week that this story made news as "The Christmas Star Returns" , however I am still following this story somewhat "after the fact" due to it's obvious significance and prophecy implications. I only learned of this on the afternoon of June 30th through an email from *PAOC Portugal Missionary Fernando Zarrafo.  Fern has previously contributed to the ANVIL Newsletter in the past. (Towards the Coming of Jesus ~ Fern Zarrafo  and *Zarrafo's ~ Missionaries to Portugal ) When I went outside to do a bit of star-gazing that evening, the skies were overcast at my location. Follow this series of videos below for the full story.


The Christmas Star and Prophecy Studies

The Christmas or Messiah’s star is one of the most important of God’s heavenly signs, not just because of its significant appearance as a sign of warning to Israel and a sign of hope for the world that marked Christ’s first coming more than 2000 years ago, but its re-appearance in the summer of 2015 may be confirmation that we are in the season of the Lord’s soon return. Importantly, the timing and location of the re-appearance of the Messiah’s star seems to once again be a sign of warning… this time for America, just as it was for Israel the first time it appeared. But most importantly, Messiah’s Star is God’s sign of hope that Jesus Christ is indeed coming soon for His inheritance… every believer who puts their faith and trust in Him.

The Christmas Star  Intro & Part 1 
By Jim Dodge (retired US Navy Captain)

Published on 31 May 2015
After two millennia, the true story of the Christmas star and the nativity chronology for Jesus Christ is finally revealed.
For the first time, star data supporting seven heavenly signs is combined with secular history and the scriptures to precisely and literally support the nativity narrative as revealed in God’s Holy Word.

This presentation was researched, developed and is presented by Jim Dodge as an expanded version of the story which was first shared in public at Foothill Community Church, Angels Camp, California on the first Sunday of Advent, December 1, 2013

Part One of the Christmas Star provides the background research for the project and covers: resources used, definition of the problem, scriptural references, origins of the wise men, and astronomical fundamentals.

The heavens declare the glory of God! Psalm 19:1

The Christmas Star Part 2 
By Jim Dodge (retired US Navy Captain)

Published on 1 Jun 2015
After two millennia, the true story of the Christmas star and the nativity chronology for Jesus Christ is finally revealed.

For the first time, star data supporting seven heavenly signs is combined with secular history and the scriptures to precisely and literally support the nativity narrative as revealed in God’s Holy Word.

This presentation was researched, developed and is presented by Jim Dodge as an expanded version of the story which was first shared in public at Foothill Community Church, Angels Camp, California on the first Sunday of Advent, December 1, 2013

Part Two tells the Christmas Star story through an amazing series of God’s heavenly and supernatural signs, spanning a specific one year period between August 03 BC and August 02 BC.

A Postscript considers the uniqueness and prophetic significance of God’s heavenly signs for Christ’s second coming

The heavens declare the glory of God! Psalm 19:1

Artists rendering of the constellation "Aries" (the Lamb) over Bethlehem, 
on 17 June 02BC based on his astronomy research; 
“God himself will provide the lamb..." (Genesis 22:8)

Captain Jim Dodge, a retired US Navy Captain and astronomer, looked at a number of celestial alignments through his considerable research and an astronomy computer program (Starry Night PRO v6.4 (2010), by Simulation Curriculum Corp.) to consider dates for Christ's conception, birth and death and other important historical dates.  One of his conclusions was that Christ was likely to have been born on the 17th of June, 02BC. When he used a computer program to find out what constellations would have been present in the Bethlehem sky on that night, he found that the constellation "Aries", (the Lamb) was present over Bethlehem for several hours.  These are among the many startling discoveries he has made. 



July 5, 2015 -Pastor John Hagee shares about the 
Star Of Bethlehem that appeared on June 30, 2015

"The King is Coming Church!  

                                ...prepare to meet the Son of God!" ~ John Hagee

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