Route 66 Recent BIBLE STUDIES:

Feb 8, 2015

Talking to the Cults - What is Islamization? -Nicholai Sennels, (Denmark)

Nicolai Sennels: What is Islamization?
Nicolai Sennels: What is Islamization?


(Photo above: Iran before and after the Islamic revolution in 1979)
In connection with the rising opposition to Islamisation – most strongly expressed by the PEGIDA movement – it is useful to have a clear overview of how Islamization sneaks its way into our society, how it manifests itself, and what the consequences are:
Nicolai Sennels (born 1976) is a Danish licensed psychologist. Sennels is running and author of the book "Among Criminal Muslims" (to be translated into English and Swedish) and numerous articles on the psychology af Islam and Muslim mentality. He bases his conclusions on his work with more than 100 Muslim patients and on scientific research.
What is Islamization?
By Nicolai Sennels, psychologist
Islamization is a phenomenon that has existed since the Muslim prophet Mohammed lived 1,400 years ago. The word ‘Islamization’ was originally coined by Muslims to describe the conversion of a kufr (infidel) society to an ‘enlightened’ (Islamic) society.
Islamization has been effective, since Islam is now the main religion in 57 countries. The association of Islamic countries – the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC), is today one of the world’s largest supra-national organizations, surpassed only by the United Nations (UN).
Three roads to Islamization
One road to Islamization is to remove non-Islamic traditions and symbols. This is done to avoid offending Muslims or expose Muslims to proselytizing by other faiths. It also aims to reduce competition from the country’s original religion and culture in order to improve the possibilities for further Islamization.
An example is the Red Cross’ refusal to decorate for Christmas in their stores, or when banks no longer hands out piggy banks to their customers’ kids (because pigs are unclean in Islam). In both cases, this is done in order not to offend Muslims and thus lose Muslim customers.
Another way Islamization is accomplished is by making Islamic traditions and rules part of non-Islamic societies.
Examples of this phenomenon are construction or refurbishment of public sports facilities to cater for Muslims’ inhibited views on nudity and contact between the sexes, or the imposition of forced leave on Islamic holidays.
A third way Islamization occurs is when certain areas or neighbourhoods acquire such a high a proportion of Muslims that the country’s indigenous culture and people are pushed out.
One example is when non-Islamic authorities such as police and fire departments meet with disrespect, threats and/or violence, while imams, patrolling police-style Muslim fathers’ groups, homemade Sharia Courts, and Islamic mediation meetings are free to exercise their power. Another example is when Jews cannot wear yarmulke or girls can not wear miniskirts in Muslim-dominated areas, because they risk being attacked.
Islamization thus occurs through the systematic elimination of indigenous culture, the introduction of Islamic traditions and cultural practices through immigration and the gradual building of Muslim parallel societies.
Disadvantages of Islamization
There are many disadvantages of Islamization. The main issue is of course that it comes at the expense of our own culture, which is the foundation of our lifestyle, our sense of community and our well-functioning societies based on principles such as tolerance, universal human rights and free speech. Also, when compared with Muslim cultures, our Western culture is freer and more productive.
Moreover, Western culture encourages people to be more self-confident, happy and loving, because it does not cultivate aggression, fragile feelings of honour, and intolerance against other faiths, unlike Muslim culture. Furthermore, we allow and encourage the Enlightenment principles of free speech and democracy, while allowing women and feminine qualities to bloom freely for the benefit of themselves, men and a balanced society.
Every time we introduce more Islamization to our society, it takes us one further step away from our own culture, bringing us one step closer to the Muslim culture and a Sharia-based society.
Islamization occurs at the expense of indigenous culture and its norms. By harming the native culture, important life values are taken away from the people, undermining the values and norms that bind our community together. This sense of community is fundamental to quality of life for us “pack” animals, and common core values are the foundation of the mutual trust, helpfulness, openness, understanding and respect among a community, even in individualistic Western culture.
Islamization dilutes national identity among indigenous populations, because it dilutes our common culture. At the same time, it strengthens the Muslims’ Islamic identity at the expense of national identity. National identity and sense of community are important for morale, in relation to the paying of taxation, reluctance to fraudulently obtain social welfare benefits and respect towards the nation’s laws and authorities. People who feel part of the community feel that they hurt themselves if they harm their community.
Islamization allows inhumane traditions to take root in our society. The Koran’s prescriptions and the Muslim culture’s views on women’s rights, free speech, and tolerance other faiths are medieval at best. They subvert the principles of democracy and human rights in our countries – and whether it is in small or large increments, or restricted to certain geographical areas, no such thing should take root in our society.
Islamization pushes the indigenous people out of areas where Muslims and Muslim culture dominate. This is because Muslim culture is so different from Western culture that we find it hard to feel at home and comfortable in an inhospitable culture, and because Islam and Muslim culture is racist towards non-Muslims.
Islamization makes it possible to retain hard line Muslim traditionalists or Islamic extremists in our countries, because they can keep their conservative Islamic traditions often more easily in our ‘tolerant’ Western culture than they can back home. This is counter-productive to integration and a fertile source of home grown Islamic extremism.
For every new Islamization of society, the step is even shorter to the next Islamization. It is easier for Muslims to make claims when they can refer to the fact that we have already accepted a large number of other similar claims.
Islamization provides manoeuvring space for a political ideology that has oppression and extermination of all non-Muslims as both means and goal.
Examples of Islamization
The following examples of Islamization lead to one or more of the aforementioned disadvantages.
It is Islamization of our cities when entire neighbourhoods are dominated so strongly by inhospitable Muslim culture, Islamic values and Muslim racism that the country’s own culture and the indigenous population no longer feel at home and safe in the area. As the indigenous population, we should feel at home and welcome everywhere in our own country and it is unwise to accept anything short of this.
It is arguably Islamization of our food supply when halal foods are not labelled as such.
By keeping consumers ignorant of what is Islamic food, we are forced to eat halal. By buying it, we contribute to Islamic “charity”, which helps fund terrorists, and support Muslim jobs at the expense of non-Muslims and low food prices — for halal slaughter requires a Muslim to assist with the slaughter, and Muslim organizations are paid to approve the procedure.
Food products are already transparently labelled in detail in relation to content, health, and production methods to increase consumers’ ability to make conscious choices concerning their food so we should not tolerate surreptitious halal certification, which should also be labelled as such.
It is Islamization of children’s schooling when the state allows and supports Islamic schools and madrassas. Primary schools are our society’s most important cultural carrier and are intended to inform school children of the country’s indigenous culture and values, not to drive impressionable minds away from our values.
It is Islamization of our urban design and architectural culture when municipalities and the state permit the construction of large mosques and minarets that symbolise anti-Western values. Arabic architecture does not belong in Western cities, and certainly not at very central, historical or highly visible locations.
It is Islamization of our country when mosques are permitted. The mosques enforce and increase Islamic values among the area’s Muslims and often function as a springboard for extremist political activity that works to propagate the Islamization of the country.
It is Islamization of our way of being together and the undermining of the status of women when we allow burqas and the niqab in public spaces. In a democratic society, we should see each other’s faces. Women and men are equal and should be free to dress as they like, not to forcibly appear subservient to men.
It is Islamization of our public sports facilities when swimming pools and locker rooms are closed altogether or reconstructed so that Muslims can use them. It should be up to personal choice and not to religion as to what view of nudity a person is comfortable with. Moreover, personal preferences should not restrict the citizens’ global access to public taxpayer-funded facilities.
It is Islamization of our schools, institutions, workplaces and the rhythm of the year when we create non-Western Muslim holidays,and when municipalities and unions print Muslim holidays in our calendars. We have an adequate number of holidays in our country, and more holidays harm children’s academic development and lead to a loss of productivity in companies.
The yearly rhythm is closely associated with a country’s history, traditions, and culture, and plays an important role in national identity. This very basic rhythm of life should be experienced as it relates to our own history and culture, and not be Islamized away from Western values.
It is Islamization of our schools when Muslims are treated as a special case and schoolchildren are excused from physical education and Christian education for religious reasons.
It is Islamization of our stores when they choose not to use Christian, cultural or national symbols in order not to offend Muslims or lose Muslim customers. Shop decorations are part of our Western culture and our cities’ streetscape, and they are definitely not offensive. They help mark the seasons with Christmas ornaments, Easter eggs, carnival decorations etc. Buyers should select stores that take a social responsibility for the continuation of our society and culture.
It is Islamization of our public institutions and workplaces when halal foods are included on the menu. Special diets due solely to personal choices of religion should not be funded by the state.
It is Islamization of our way of caring for children when we ignore that they are simply being starved for religious reasons. Ramadan damages children’s ability to concentrate in school. Moreover, it affects children’s social development, because hunger and fluctuating blood sugar make them emotionally unstable and aggressive. Starving of children should rightfully be categorized as neglect and punished as such.
It is Islamization when we ignore the fact that a specific ethnic group of women in our own country are deprived of basic human rights on religious grounds. Women from non-Western countries should have regular visits or meetings with municipality employees. These employees must advise migrant women about family planning and contraception. Additionally, employees should make sure that these women are free and safe. Finally, it is important that migrant women know their rights include access to women’s shelters, divorce and repatriation.
It is Islamization of the Danish government when public sector workplaces have prayer rooms. Public workers are public servants, and thus taxpayers’ money should not be used for the observance of non-secular religious practices.
It is the Islamization of our jurisprudence when we do not effectively stop homemade Sharia Courts and Islamic mediation meetings. Such things are organized vigilantism and an assault on the foundations of our social structure, directly undermining our legal system and sense of justice, and should be removed with the necessary methods.
It is Islamization of the justice system when police ignore Muslims’ scorn, threats, and violence, and when the police invite Muslim fathers’ groups to help stop Muslim riots and gangs. It is harmful to the sense of justice in the country and undermines police authority.
It is the Islamization of our legal system when we allow Sharia courts or give reduced sentences to perpetrators who have committed a crime for religious or cultural reasons (honour crimes).
It is Islamization of our population, electorates, and countries,when we allow immigration from Muslim countries and when our European leaders do not protect us effectively against illegal immigration and the silent Islamization of our Western European societies by surreptitious means.

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