Route 66 Recent BIBLE STUDIES:

Dec 13, 2014

Towards the Coming of Jesus -Fern Sarrafo


Traveling @ Lightning Speed Towards the Coming of Jesus
By Fern Sarrafo

Hope everyone is doing well in Him.

For the past decade many voices in the field of eschatology and Bible prophecy have in the midst of much opposition been proclaiming that Islam is the system that will bring the Antichrist to power in the last days. Voices like Walid Shoebat, Joel Richardson, John Preacher, Dave Watchman, Rodrigo Silva, Perry Stone and many others have been warning the church in America that the beast system of the Antichrist is being formed before our eyes.

Traditional interpretation of end time prophecy has for the past century caused Christians to look at the European Union (EU) as the beast of Revelation, and the pope as the Antichrist. The voices that have been warning the church that the EU cannot be the beast kingdom of the Antichrist have for the past decade faced much opposition from those who refuse to see the rise of Isalmic fundamentalism which seeks to revive the Islamic Caliphate as the Antichrist system.

The Bible says (I am paraphrasing) not only “In the last days knowledge will abound” but also “Revelation will be made available for all to see” (Daniel 12:3 & 4). I guess only if one shuts himself off from the Creator he will not know the Truth.   

Would like to recommend  a Video, and if you are like me a visual person this is a great way to learn.  In order to better appreciate this Video, let me give you in brief some of the doors I knocked on, maybe you can relate.

Way back in the 70's in my teen years Hal Lindsey came out with a book called “The Great Late Planet Earth” at the time it was a best seller and catapulted Hal to the lime light of the “Bible Prophecy Expert Club”.

I remember so vividly going with mom and dad to the Food City store to get groceries at Caledonia and St. Clair  in Toronto back in the 70's and purchasing the book, and when got home read it from cover to cover in one sitting. Which for me still today is extremely unusual to read a book like that.
Hal famous book was for me at the time “it” and for many years was too busy with school and career and did not bother going deeper, but today I see it as a good introduction.

It wasn't until early 90's that I started my quest again into the “End of Time” subject.
I remember we started to attend Halton Hills Gospel Center in Georgetown (now GCF), and at the Georgetown public library I discover a VHS Video of Nostradamus, again really study that video by watching over and over again and making notes.

Nostradamus is not in the bible and I am not sure he was even a Christian, he was a scientist and sometimes operated under some prophetic influence (debatable if evil or good) but at the time was very respected in Europe specially in France, in fact he came up with a cure for the mysterious fatal disease called the Black Plague.
Without going into detail for me the greatest contribution related to the end times that I learned from the man, had to do with connecting the end time events with the Middle East and Arabic leaders which was fascinating, specially today, if taking into consideration that Nostradamus wrote his prophecies in the early 1500's.
I must add that for me Nostradamus increased my curiosity and made me turn to the Holy Scriptures to look for the Truth but for some they go in the other direction or the occult, so be careful on what books you read make sure you are guided by the Holy Spirit of Heaven and not a demonic spirit of Hell.

My next important analysis was the work of bible teacher Jack Van Impe.
Into the late 90's we were pastoring a church in Brampton Ontario and because of my love to minister on the “End Time Subject” I connect with brother Jack loved his scripture memorization and how he came across as a scholar, as a result was really pushing his material at our church, and many were getting excited. Well that was until brother Jack made a enormous blunder. It's okay even for a scholar to make blunders will all do, but for me it's not okay to say nothing to move on as if nothing happen special in an important subject like bible prophecy and if you a large audience like brother Jack. The brother made just that, it was when the European Union was increasing members at a fast rate and brother Jack  would go on Sunday after Sunday how the European Union was the 10 (horns) countries where the Antichrist would come out, of then one day, the EU went from 10 members states to 14 members states and brother Jack on a following Sunday changed from EU 10 member states to 10 world regions, and never give a proper explanation, so goodbye brother Jack.

I have researched many others, but the reason I am using these “prophecy teachers” as examples is because one must be ever so careful with our sources of information.
I personally find some to be just pure sales scams they just want yours and my money to keep “there
ministries” on TV and live off the sweat of hard working people, just like we see in John 2:13 – 16, Jesus just kicks them out and wants nothing to do with them  and we should do the same. Others have teachings that do not line up with the Holy Scriptures in fact if you check them out they even go against them (Scriptures) therefore let us be like the Berean Jews in Acts 17:11 who checked the Scriptures to see if they are preaching/teaching the Truth, and finally others are just “To American” all of bible prophecy revolve around the USA. Let's be realistic the USA is not in the bible! In fact the nations and regions mentioned in the Bible you never hear about them, which shows very poor research, and even laziness.

Some years back I came across Walid Shoebat a Middle Easterner which early on spoken English with a heavy Arabic accent. But Walid got my attention not only because he has a direct connection with the nations and cultures of the Bible but for the first time through him I hear Bible prophecy being explain using the names in the Bible with respect to nations and regions.
For me it was definitely a paradigm shift on end times Bible prophecy and I strongly recommend to give Walid a ear.
Lately Walid interpretation has become more popular I even hear that brother Jack has started to mention things that Walid has been saying for years, and by the way Walid has been very active in helping out our brothers and sisters through the middle east war crisis, I am so surprised how he manages to stay alive, it has to be God!

The video was elaborated in South Africa by John Preacher, it's practically one hour long with excellent imagery, therefore take time to watch, learn, enjoy and be blessed.

Ed's Note:
Fern Sarrafo (remember Fern's recent article on Portugal?) has sent me his narrative and some information on research that was recently done on ISLAM.  He has included this video called Babylon the Great & The Caliph Antichrist .  Using bible passages, this documentary essentially points out the (likely) scenario that the Antichrist will arise from ISLAM. Fern suggested I share it with The ANVIL Newsletter readers.  Fern and I share a common interest in how the middle eastern world is shaping up to totally align with Bible prophecy. You may have concluded by now that God's prophetic focus is not on Canada or the USA.  Israel and the nations that will attack her however, remain front and center in His plan much like main actors arriving at the stage for their soon-coming performance.  Fernando has sent this to me in step with some recent biblical end-time articles that have been presented on The ANVIL Newsletter.  I have published Fern's article here for your viewing interest.

However, I also want to add that for some readers, this research may be overwhelming in terms of it's depth and reporting scope.  To better understand it biblically, I would suggest that a viewer have a working knowledge of Daniel and Revelation, ...and for that matter the entire Bible from a prophetic viewpoint.  This compelling video represents many hours of research that it's author has compiled and is convinced to his satisfaction represents truth.  Most of it's commentary has been sourced from scripture and seems to be true to what we are seeing develop in our changing world. Due to the large scope of study this "new" information entails, I (and probably you) am not able to quickly verify each aspect of it's study.

I also want to add, and I'm sure that Fern will agree with me, that at the end of the day our focus needs to remain on Christ.  While we can follow each new bit of info and thereby "put the puzzle together", it's Jesus who remains our sole focus.  In his Thessalonian letters, Paul says to use information like this to encourage one another about Christ's soon return. The writer of Hebrews says"
"Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." -Hebrews 12

Jesus is the One who was sent to bear my load of sin, Jesus is the One who wants me to have abundant life, Jesus is the One who wants to indwell me with his Holy Spirit.  ...and Jesus is my Soon Coming King!  Have you acknowledged His Presence in your life today?

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