Route 66 Recent BIBLE STUDIES:

Feb 19, 2014

Who Is Jesus? -Billy Graham

What thoughts come to your mind when you hear the word evangelism?  Pushy people trying to get you to see things their way?  Guilt for not saying enough about your Saviour?  People swarming down the aisles at a gigantic rally?  Or friends sharing the excitement of the good news with each other?

Last night, at our ANVIL 1 Thessalonians 2 -"Gentle Evangelism" study, we looked at Paul discussing his ministry and "evangelism" while he visited Thessalonica.  It prompted me to look at an amazing example of a modern-day Apostle Paul; "Billy Graham"  and I want to share it in case you missed it.  Born in 1918, he is nearing the end of his earthly life now at age 95, but what an examle of a life well lived!  It has been calculated that he has preached to 2.2 billion people and through his preaching has won 3.2 million people to Christ!  This is in addition to all the books, magazines and organizations he led or founded.

Wow!  ...and to think I sometimes pat myself on the back when I witness to a neighbour or co-worker for a few minutes.  Take the time to listen to this most amazing evangelist since the early church was evangelized by Paul.  In fact, his sermon on "Who Is Jesus?" is the central theme in Paul's ministry back in 50AD.  Each one Paul ministered to, had to answer the question "Who Is Jesus?".

Have you answered that question in your life?

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