Route 66 Recent BIBLE STUDIES:

Nov 29, 2012

10 Ways ....from CHARISMA Magazine

10 Ways to Sabotage Your Marriage

(© Juliamilberger | Stock Free Images)

Life's small irritations can ruin even the best marriages.
Like a piece of sand in an oyster, small irritations in marriage will accumulate until they're much bigger. Except in this case, you won't end up with a beautiful pearl!
Here are some "grains of sand" that can sabotage your marriage: 
1. Be a flirt. 
2. Undermine your spouse in public.
3. Use negative body language when your spouse is talking to you.
4. Fail to communicate on a daily basis.
5. Stop caring about your appearance.
6. Have children in order to bring your marriage together.
7. Men: Enjoy playing golf (or whatever takes your time) more than you enjoy your wife.
8. Women: Spend more time with your friends (or whatever takes your time) than you spend with your husband.
9. Find your self-esteem outside the marriage.
10. Conceal your expectations.

Source: God Is in the Small Stuff for Your Marriage (Promise Press), by Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz.

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