Route 66 Recent BIBLE STUDIES:

Oct 12, 2012

Update on Ilya Bantseev in Siberia!

August 1, 2014

Dear Prayer Partners,

This past week a very negative report about our church was given on TV, newspaper and internet.  This is not the first time this has happened, and it was again filled with lies.  The report was given by the Russian Orthodox Church specifically targeting our work in orphanages and schools.  They said that we're trying to influence children with our teaching by using hypnosis and drugs.  This is the first time they have actually mentioned the names of the directors of four orphanages and two schools, accusing them of working with our church and calling for measures to be taken.  They also mentioned by name the mayor's assistant who has also helped us.  

Please pray:
1) that the directors and mayor's assistant would not lose their jobs
2) that the doors of ministry to these precious children would not close
3) for our church to be strengthened through this attack
4) for God to give us wisdom how to respond so that those in our city would not believe the lies but receive the truth

We can't tell you how much we appreciate your prayers at this time!
With love in Christ,
Ilya and Janet

May 21, 2013

Dear Friends,
Please pray for the ministry in Novokuznetsk.  As you know the judge will make a decision this Friday.  Today we heard that a press conference is scheduled on Thursday with our city administration.  Our opponents are bringing a professor from the Russian Orthodox Seminary in Moscow who teaches on totalitarian cults.  He is known for hideous accusations against Evangelical churches. 
Their goal is to not only do harm to Teen Challenge but to close our church.  This is why the press conference is happening the day before the court case.  Newspaper articles have been written with false accusations against us personally and the church.  Our confidence is in the Lord!  We would greatly appreciate your prayers against this attack that the enemy would be silenced and that God will be glorified.
Thank you for standing with us!
We thank God for you, 
Ilya and Janet  

March 25, 2013

Dear Friends,
Thank you for praying for the court case concerning two former staff members of Teen Challenge Siberia.  This past week there was a hearing where the prosecutor brought another witness to testify against the program and the two men who are on trial.  This man was the last of the six witnesses that the prosecutor pressured to sign a false testimony.   He spoke in favor of the program and the workers and totally denied the investigation reports which he had previously signed.  He said in court that he signed the investigation report not knowing what was written because of his illiteracy.  In answer to the judge, he said that the information in the report was false, and he does not feel that he was a victim.  Instead he said that the two former workers are good citizens who were trying to help him and other drug addicts.
As of today, five out of six witnesses on the side of the prosecutor testified in court in favor of the TC program and the two men on trial.  Only one of the six witnesses cooperated with the prosecutor and lied in court.  What we later learned about this man was that the following week he had a pending court case for selling drugs, and most likely was promised that he would receive a lighter sentence if he cooperated with the prosecutor.
There is another court hearing scheduled for March 27.  Please pray that the judge would give an honest verdict and pronounce the two men not guilty.  It will take courage for the judge to go against the corruption in the prosecutor's system. 
We wish you a blessed Easter as we remember our precious Lord and Savior's death and resurrection.  II Corinthians 2:14 "Thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph through Christ!"  We pray that God would give you victory in every area of your life through the power of Christ's resurrection!  Please pray the same for us.
Thank you!
God bless you,
Ilya and Janet      

November 15, 2012 Update
Dear Prayer Partners,

Today the court case resumed, but the judge has postponed his decision. The prosecutor finally brought one of his witnesses to court to testify against the Teen Challenge program. Instead of speaking negatively he testified in favor of the program and actually said he had been set free from alcohol addiction there!

Also, one of the current staff members was brought to the stand, and he shared his testimony how the Lord had set him free from his addictions through the Teen Challenge program.

The judge wants to hear more testimonies. Please continue to pray that God would be so glorified through this trial that there would be a great witness for Christ to people who would have never heard otherwise.

Words can't express how thankful we are for your prayers! It's not over yet. However, what the devil meant for evil, God is using for good. We know that this change is occurring because of your faithful prayers. We'll keep you posted with the outcome.

We sincerely thank God for you!
Ilya and Janet
OCT 29, 2012 Update
Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for your prayers! It was definitely one of our most trying weeks in the ministry. We have been in court all week, but a verdict has not been given. The trial has taken a recess and will continue November 14.
This criminal case was fabricated by the prosecutor's office. In February of 2011, the prosecutor came to our Teen Challenge facility and removed from the center six students who had been in the program for less than two days. He brought them into his office and pressured them to sign testimonies, filled with lies, which were prepared ahead of time. They were told that they were not allowed to leave the prosecutor's office unless they signed the papers. Five out of six of these former students are gypsies and illiterate. They all signed their names just so that they could leave.
Five of the former students are now in hiding and refuse to come to court to testify against the Teen Challenge program. The sixth student was brought from prison five hours away, where he is serving a sentence for selling drugs. However, the prosecutor did not bring him into the court room. Our lawyer thinks the reason is because he also refused to testify against the program.
Please continue to pray that this case will totally fall apart and that the two former staff members who are being falsely accused will be pronounced not guilty. They are praying that God will be glorified through this trial.
We sincerely thank God for you and for your prayer support!
God bless you,
Ilya and Janet


Prayer moves the hand of God!

Dear Friends,

Thank you so much for your prayers!  Our lawyer received a phone call from the investigation committee stating that they made a decision not to pursue a criminal investigation against me. The Canadian Embassy had written a letter on my behalf to the Ministry of External Affairs asking for an explanation of this investigation. When the investigation committee in our region received a copy of this letter, they didn't want to be checked by the Ministry of External Affairs. Consequently, the prosecutor's request to press charges against me was denied. Praise God! This is a tremendous answer to prayer!

However, we still greatly need your prayers. Beginning the week of Oct. 22, there will be a trial against two former Teen Challenge staff workers. These brothers love the Lord and have done nothing wrong. They also are being falsely accused by this same prosecutor. His plan is to close our Teen Challenge program and to make it a precedent to close all other rehab centers throughout Russia. Thank you for continuing to pray for this need. We'll keep you informed with the outcome of this trial.
We thank God for you!

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October 19, 2012 UPDATE:

Dear Prayer Partners,
We really appreciate your continued prayers at this time because this legal battle is very serious. As we previously mentioned, the prosecutor is trying to close all the TC programs throughout Russia. Our lawyer thinks we may lose the case next week because we heard that the prosecutor is friends with the judge.  We can't afford to lose this battle.  The court case will begin on Monday, Oct. 22, and will continue every day until the end of the week.  Please continue to intercede for this need.  Thank you! 
God bless you,
Ilya and Janet 

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