Route 66 Recent BIBLE STUDIES:

Dec 4, 2011

Thomas W. Gaffney ~ A Tribute


Today, I celebrate you,

For all the love you showed me, for all the wisdom you shared with me, for all the encouragement you gave me......I celebrate you.

For the amazing man you were, for the special Father you were, for the loving Grandpa you were...... I celebrate you .

For all our celebrations, for all our wonderful visits, for all the years I had you in my life.........Today Dad, I celebrate you.


Loving you and missing you today and always
It doesn't need a special day
To bring you to my mind,
For days without a thought of you
Are very hard to find.
Happy Father's Day, Dad.
Miss you so much, today especially, but every day, really.
Love you forever. xoxo
Dear Dad,

One year ago today we said goodbye. Although I was devastated, it was also a time of rejoicing knowing without a doubt that you had walked, yes walked, into the arms of Jesus and you were made whole. Many a tear have been shed since that day, tears of sadness, wishing if only.....and tears of joy reflecting on years gone by, finding peace and comfort in the many wonderful memories I have of you.

Dad, you played an important role in my life. I recall the unconditional love that you showed me throughout my life. You always believed in me and encouraged me. You helped me with problems that needed fixing and you helped me with questions that needed answers. You were always there for me. How thankful I am for you.

I remember as a little girl leaning against you as we drove in the car. Even then, you were my pillar of strength. I could lean on you then, just as I did throughout my life, feeling safe and secure. I'm so grateful for all that you were to me.

Dad, I always admired the way you taught by example, living your life by actions not by words. You taught me the meaning of love, compassion, selflessness, honesty and integrity in this manner. I pray that I will be an example to my children and grandchildren just as you were to me.

I have come to realize this past year the enormous impact you have had on the lives of many people. You made a difference Dad, and isn't that what we would all hope to do in our life time, make a difference in this world? I have also come to realize just how loved you were by so many. You were truly a blessing in our lives........

What a wonderful legacy you have left us with Dad, one that will live on through us, your children and grandchildren.

Until are forever in my thoughts, forever in my heart and forever loved by me.

With love,

PS Thanks for the Memories!

On this first anniversary of the day you left us, I want to use one of your favorite sayings to express how grateful I am that you were my Dad... "Thanks for the memories!"

I miss you...
Love, Judi
Today marks a year since we said good-bye.
In some ways it seems longer and in some shorter.
My heart has been so full today, thinking of you and all that you meant to me, but my heart also feels a little bit empty as the place you held in my heart still aches at the loss of you.
I wish I could hear you say "Boss" again and hear you say your trademark "HEEEYYY" when you caught sight of someone you knew.
I wish I could see your expressive eyes again. Your eyes that still saw the humour in things and could communicate your love and feelings even without words.
I wish I could hold your hand and have you squeeze it as we held hands and watched TV and to watch you look at my hands and my nails. That always made me smile, wondering what you were thinking when you looked at my hands like that.
It's just not the same without you.
You are spoken of very frequently, thought of often and missed continuously.
All my love, Andrea. xo
This is our first Christmas without you Dad. I didn't have my usual visit to Victoria the week before Christmas, I wasn't out shopping for a new shirt or sweater for you and there was no Christmas Day phone call. Yes I feel sad, but I also feel very blessed that I have so many wonderful memories of when I did do all of these things and these memories warm my heart. I know you are safe in the arms of Jesus Dad, what a wonderful Christmas you must have had. You are always in my thoughts and forever in my heart. Merry Christmas Dad, I love you.
Dear Dad...We missed you at breakfast today. We miss you sharing Christmas with us today. We miss you so much. We had such a nice Christmas with you last year...I didn't realize it was the last one. You were so cute saying "Wow" about your gift. I wish you were still here to share today with us. Love you so much and miss you so much today and everyday! xo Andrea
Today I am so thankful for the many wonderful years that I had you in my life. I am so thankful for the love that you showed me, the encouragement that you gave me and the example that you were to me. Today and everyday Dad, I am so thankful for you.
Happy Thanksgiving Dad. Wish you were here to celebrate with us.
Love Marnie
I was very saddened when I heard that TOM passed away. What a wonderful man. Every Sunday he would greet me as well as everyone else by name and with the greatest smile this side of the Atlantic!!! He was such a fine man and father. It is wonderful to know that I will see him some day soon. I'm sure he must be greeting everyone as they pass into HEAVEN!! A GREAT MAN !!!!!


Happy birthday Dad! I feel sad today because it's YOUR day, and you aren't here. We had a nice weekend with family this weekend and you were spoken of many, many times as we all associate this weekend with you and your birthday...and always will. It was bittersweet for all of us. You have left a void in all of our hearts that will never quite be filled again but the memories of past celebrations with you help a bit and the pictures from your last birthday, the last we all shared, are such an amazing reminder of the wonderful man you were and the legacy you left behind. I love you and miss you so much Boss
Today is your birthday Dad and I celebrate you and the amazing father that you were to me. I miss you so much
Dad but am comforted by all the wonderful memories
of past August long week-end celebrations. Happy Birthday Dad, I love you now and forever.
Love Marnie
Today is Father's Day Dad and I'm missing you so much. You are in my thoughts, in my heart, and most of all in so many precious memories. Dad, as I told you minutes before you left us, you are my hero. I love you Dad! I wish I could hold your hand one more time, hear you say "I love you too," or enjoy a real good laugh with you. Such cherished times! Thank you Dad for everything. Happy Fathers Day! Love Marnie
My memories go back to early childhood when our families would get together. Tom and my dad (Ralph Dohms) would play crokinole, and we all enjoyed many jokes and much laughter. After they moved to Victoria, and Dorothy passed away, Tom & family came back to Melville many a summer, and in time he married Doris, my Dad's cousin. Again, many wonderful memories were made through those years. Though it's been many years since we've visited Victoria and seen Tom, Judi has kept us "connected" and in our thoughts and prayers. Now our love, thoughts and prayers go out to Judi, Warron, Marnie, Andrea and their families. I'm sure our folks are having a wonderful reunion in heaven. Though we would never wish them back, we can truly sympathize with the tremendous loss you feel. We loved your Dad and thought the world of him.

With heartfelt sympathy, love and prayers,
Carol & Wayne Siddall
Almost two months have passed since we sat with our dear Dad as he took his final breath. Since that time it has been very comforting to read and re-read the very kind and thoughtful tributes that each of you have written for him. Thank you so much... your comments have been very much appreciated.
I just recently learned of your Dad's passing and after reading through the beautiful messages I have both tears and smiles. What wonderful memories! He really was an amazing man! My heart goes out to all of the family...thinking of you especially Marnie and John....Carol [Scott] Morrow
Hi Andrea: our prayers are with you as we know you miss your dad. He was a real friend and we had more fun and fellowship with him. We know he is in a better place and it will be a grand day when we see him again.
In the days of my youth, the vestibule of Glad Tidings was a special place. I was always late to avoid one of my mother's friends who would, real or imagined, give me the “where have you been?” look. But not Tom; he would never make me feel uncomfortable about missing the last service (or two). His conversation was always personal, uplifting and genuine. Tom brought the same enthusiasm to hockey when he would sometimes join our shinny hockey games. With his skill and energy, he had no trouble making us ‘young guys' look bad. We truly admired him and we are all better for having known this remarkable man.
God has you in His arms... I have you in my heart.

Thank you Dad for being the wonderful father that you were. I will forever treasure and cherish my wonderful memories of you.

Until we meet again...

Tom was often known as "Big Tom" not because of his stature, but because of the magnitude of the place he occupied in our hearts. I remember when I was invited to participate in his "roast" many years ago at GT; I just couldn't bring myself to say anything even slightly negative about a man I admired and loved so much. As I said at his funeral, we all are suffering because of the passing of Tom, but we can be uplifted as we know it is only a matter of time before we are with him again.
To all the families, what great memories we have of the wonderful man he was, his smile and caring and always making you feel welcome and cared for, what a treasure they have in heaven and we will see him again, Love Martha Atchison.
To the Greatest Uncle in the World...He gave me what I needed most and he will always be the bigest part of my life.
love you forever Uncle Tom.
Some people stand out when thinking back on my GT days. Guys like Tom. He was a joker, a bit of a rebel and my fellow Christian union member. Solidarity forever Tom! Most importantly though, it didn't matter if you were a long haired teenager or an aging senior; Tom let you know you mattered. He was an example of Christ's all inclusive love. He's probably submitted an application to be one of Heaven's ushers. If so, he'll have a lot of good references!
I grew up at Glad Tidings and went to High School with Kelly. Mr. Gaffney was always a ray of sunshine every Sunday morning. When he asked "How are you today?" you knew he was actually very interested. He was an amazing witness of God's loving kindness. My condolences to all of you who loved him best.
Mr. Gaffney(Tom) made me feel so welcome when Marnie and I had our "girls' getaway" in Victoria so many years ago.I always enjoyed our other visits through the years in Calgary. He always made me laugh. His enjoyment of life was so obvious to anyone who met him. Will miss his smile and the twinkle in his eyes. So glad we met. My thoughts are with Marnie, John and all the family. Love from Judy (behind)
Dear Marnie and John--so sorry for your loss--Bill and I remember your Dad fondly .Love Bill and Sandy Crawford, Harrow Ont.
To all the "Gaffney kids"...
I also relate to comments on this page regarding your Father's wonderfully warm greetings each Sunday when entering the doors of Glad Tidings many years of welcoming smiles and hugs...he was God's ambassador,a "fixture" at the back of the church and I'm sure partially intrumental in many coming back week after week....always felt we had a place in "God's House" with him to usher us inside. We've all been blessed to have known such a man....heaven has just received another treasure!
-"Until then"-
It was alway fun to see Tom at the Priory when visiting my mom. He was still the 'greeter' with his boisterous 'Hey' with a wave. So sweet to see his tender friendship with my mom. He'll be missed. Love Linda Andrew
Andrea: from our family we are sad for you yet we know the memories of his smile, laugh and loyalty to your family will live on. I have so cherished knowing him for most of my adult life and how can i weep knowing he is now with His Maker. Thank you for sharing him with my family too.
Andrea and family, our hearts and prayers are with you all. Tom was one of our favorite neighbors. We always had such a great time when Tom & Doris would come over. Tom's jokes were always "something else" again; but when you love the man you can't help but love his jokes. We have missed Tom since he moved away from has never been the same since. It was always fun talking hockey or football or for that matter politics with him. He always had a friendly smile and wave whenever we saw him on Elnido. May God give you peace and comfort. Love, Brian & Faye Currie
What wonderful memories from by gone years to a wonderful man and to his family
I cannot remember how many years I have known Tom and Doris perhaps since the early 60's and not a bad memory of Toms great greetings every time we entered into church!!
God be with all the family We will all see Tom again in glory!
Our Seniors choir went to the Priory to sing and he greated me with tears and smiles!! What a dear man!!!!
We can't quite believe that he is gone. His smile was the best gift - you felt such warmth when ever you saw Tom. He was such an amazing person. What a joy to have known him and now to know he is at Home! Thinking of all the family! David & Linda Grist
Precious memories how they linger... You gave me a lifetime of precious memories Dad, and I cherish each and every one of them. You gave me so much love and guidance throughout my life. For this I am so grateful. I love you Dad, now and forever. Love Marnie
The more entries I read in this Guest Book the more I realize the privilege I had to be Tom's friend and companion for almost 4 years. Thomas is the "gentlest man" I've ever known. Wherever he was, he left a lasting, loving, compassionate, happy memory behind. What a gentleman! Thank you Tom for being part of my life. Thank you Judi, Warron, Marnie and Andrea for creating the opportunity for me to add to the quality of your Dad's life and including me in your family. I miss you Thomas! oxoxo
Our prayers are with you all. Mr.Gaffney's smile was the perfect way to start church every Sunday morning. We appreciated the way he made our family feel welcomed and included. He'd take the time to learn Portuguese and made sure to great us with a "Bom Dia" every time. Bom Dia to you Mr.Gaffney. You were the sparkle in so many people's lives. Heaven is now brighter with your smile. Blessings to you all.
Its been nearly 24 years since Tammy and I left Victoria, and Glad Tidings, but I have such a vivid picture of Big Tom greeting everyone ay the back door. Its always sad to hear of peoples passing, but, it sure is nice to have GREAT memories of them. You will be missed Tom, but your in a much better place now.
To say that Tom was a pillar of Glad Tidings would be an extreme understatement. He never lost sight of what those young people were doing and never shied away from having little chats with lots of humour. Being a dad to three teenagers in the sixties would have scared many. Not Tom! He was exactly what he appeared to be when he came forward at church to greet you-an exceptionally intelligent and humorous Christian man who paid close attention to what the kids were doing.There was never a moment when he did not greet me like a long-lost child. I have precious memories of those days and I'm very glad that Tom was part of them.
We're so sorry for your loss. Our thoughts & prayers go out to the whole family. Rest in Peace Tom!
I'm sorry for your loss. My thoughts & prayers go out to the whole family. Rest in Peace Tom! Deb, Gary & Deb Aasen

Dear Marnie, John, Andrea, Warron & Judy and all your families, my prayers and thoughts are with you. Your Dad was such a special person during my growing up years. The many hours I spent at your home and the fun we had together are all good memories I'll never forget My folks were friends with him, your Mom and Doris and I'm sure they're visiting with him right now. Thanks for the memories Mr. Gaffney (just couldn't call him Tom as I had too much respect for him). Love to you all,
Our condolences to the family. We will remember Tom's smile and warm welcome always.
Well, I shed some tears when I heard that this wonderful man had left us. When going back to GT I ALWAYS looked for 'Tex' as I walked through those doors. When working in the nursery he'd come looking for me to ask if it was going to be 'leaded' or 'unleaded' (coffee). I can just see him and Dad having a great reunion in heaven. He will be missed. If only we could all make people feel as special as he did.
" Big Tom...the pride of the Akron, Ohio Flyers." A top flight athlete and a leader of men......God knew he needed you on his team. You were the toughest and most gifted guy on our team. We miss you dearly but will see you again. G.T. Hockey boys.
My sincere condolences on behalf of my Mom,Ruby Fleming,and myself. Your dad was always such a welcoming figure at Glad Tidings.I know he will be missed by all in your family.
We have many fond memories of "Mr. GT". His lovely smile was so contagious. Our thoughts are with his family at this time of their great loss. Phil and Joyce Wade
Worship at Glad tidings will not be the same without Tom's
enthusiastic greetings. I look forward to meeting him again when I cross that river.

Bill Hamilton, Vernon, BC
Sending our love to you all of the family.
Andrea (Glen) condolences to you and your siblings. My prayers are with you guys. Tom was such a great man and I have many great memories. I don't know many people who gave more of themselves to other people than what your parents did and your dad was a role model for all of us. As a man who loved Jesus, I am excited that he and your mom are together again and in my head I can picture them sitting with Jesus and Him saying..well done my faithful guys really loved my people...thank you.
To the Gaffney family : Tonight I am feeling very sad, and I know I should be celebrating.Tom's life. There are just so many memories - of course the head usher and organist were always the last to leave the church - and those long conversations how we would love to "fix" everything that was wrong - while at the same time putting endless hours into things as they were! There was something so very special about Tom - he treated everyone the same - from Mrs Loof to Mr Chant we all got the same greeting. In his final years I thought it almost cruel that he was not able to communicate as he always had done - often life brings these ironies and this is one question I will ask anon - but for now, and at last, I bet he is communicating - heaven will not quite be the same now that Tom has arrived. I have rambled far to long - but that's what happens to us in old age . I had such love and respect for both Tom and Doris - they just don't make them that way anymore. They are truly amongst the finest people I have ever known. To their family - you have received such a vast inheritance, perhaps not in silver and gold, but in the values of life that truly count. Love and blessings. . .Gary

Dear Dad, there are no heart is broken. I love you and miss you so much. Love "Boss" (Andrea)
Hello Cousins, Writing from Cuba... Just heard the news and wish to say "Uncle Tom" was a cool guy...and will remember him, mucho! I know your sad and happy, at the same, time...that's what family's all about!

Murray Mason
You have touched so many Grandpa...
Dear Pompa... That's what we used to call you... My beloved Grandpa. Big Tom! I can still see that vanity plate on your Volvo, sunroof open, dark shades on, driving up Elnido, your teeth looking so white against your summer tan. I can hear your laugh (and your jokes!) in my head and I long for that big bear hug you used to give your grand kids one more time. Remember you used to kiss our cheeks when we said goodbye, and you would say "Don't wipe it off... Don't wipe it off!" It was wet and warm and we would tease you and threaten to wipe it away... Your smile was so bright so we couldn't bear to go through with it but boy, were we tempted! I miss you so much Pompa, it was nice just knowing you were still here and now you're gone. It breaks my heart, I have cried since I heard and still can't come to terms with it but I know where you are and I will see you again. Is it beautiful up there? And are you doing your walking routine again? Love ya Grandpa... XO Kerri-Lee
TOMMY, YOU WILL BE MISSED.... TOM, I'm very proud to have had you as a father inlaw. I'll miss all our little talks, visits and vacations. Put, we still have our memories. ( Mexico for one ) Really got to know the real TOMMY, and he was a GREAT,GREAT PERSON to all. Marnie and I well miss you. Enjoy,we'll see you again one day. John
Sorry to hear of your loss ...we'll miss him too! I have so many warm memories of Uncle Tom through the years, many of them over tea and toast in the kitchen eating nook discussing all kinds of things with Aunt Doris... Tom introduced me to tennis, including his "c'est la guerre", (I think it means "this is war").... his tennis mantra after a strong volley!! ... and lots of fun, laughter-filled memories at the Melville farm!.
Dear Andrea & family,
So sorry to hear of your Dad's passing, my thoughts & prayers are with you all. Bill didn't go to Church very often, but when he did your Dad made a lasting impression on him, always thought he was the greatest.
His reward will be huge!!!!

In His love,
BIll & Martha Dick
Hey Tom
You were a great neighbour and friend I really missed our daily chats and seeing you out on your walk with Quincy.
Dear Andrea and family. When God made your dad, he broke the mold. What a great man "Big Tom" was to anyone who had the fortune to meet him. Since hearing the news of his passing, our hearts have been heavy but we feel blessed that he was so special to our family. Glad Tidings lost their finest ambassador when he fell ill but we are sure that since he entered the Pearly Gates on Tuesday, he has been assigned to the job of welcoming new folks to Heaven. Your dad was a great personality, a wonderful family man( husband, father,grandfather) , an awesome friend, a great hockey player, a storyteller and a "poster boy for Christianity." We will never ever forget him. Love always, Carol and Dennis Lindoff
I regret not to have been in touch with Tom these last few years. He was always a happy & humourous person.

Hi Jude, What a great picture of your Dad! It brings back happy memories of our time in the nurses residence - your Dad & Doris pulling into the driveway. I will remember his "enthusiastic greeting, infectious smile and wonderful sense of humour" which he has passed on to his family. Our thoughts are with you and your family. Love Jan & John
Eeeeeeeeh Uncle Tom,
I was only two years old when you invited me to come for breakfast at the Bay. We shared my pudding, played with my cars in the window sill and watched the float planes. Then we walked through the mall and I held on to your chair while you put your hand on mine. I will miss you Uncle Tom.
Bro Tom, we celebrate your life & all the joy you brought to many. I didn't see you that much but kept up with you through my sister, Virginia Gaffney, & prayed for you. You always gave me a welcoming smile whenever I was privileged to come visit. I love your family & see you in each of them. Looking so forward to dancing with you & King Jesus in heaven! Thanks for being a light to all of us! Vicky Rawdon, Hohenwald, Tn USA
My sympathy to the family. His smile and friendly greeting lit up the priory...
My condolences. Always enjoyed being with him. Lorne Reinheimer
I always had fun with Uncle Tom whenever we were together. I have fond memories that won't be forgotten
Mr. Gaffney...You were a terrific person and an amazing father !! Always enjoyed going to Andrea's place while we were in high school, she is one of my closest friends and you will be missed dearly !! May you find peace in Heaven and we will see you again one day....much love, many hugs, and laughter eternal !! Love Char and Colton xxoo
Your father was the kindest person I met at Glad Tidings Andrea. Blessings to you and your family.
I have fond memories of your Dad,Andrea.He always made me feel so welcome at your home in Gordon Head and laughed at the crazy stuff I said when I was 10! Big Hugs to you and your family.

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