Route 66 Recent BIBLE STUDIES:

Dec 4, 2011

The Compound Redemptive Names of GOD

Related: I AM WHO I AM ~ Exodus 3

The (Compound Redemptive) Names of God

Oh LORD, Our LORD, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

(Psalm 8:1)

Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.

(Psalm 9:10)

1.   Jehovah Jireh                 The Lord, The Provider (Genesis 22:14)

2.   Jehovah Shammah        The Lord, The Everpresent (Ezekiel 48:35)

3.   Jehovah Tsidkenu          The Lord, our Righteousness 
                                                                                           (Jeremiah 23:5-6)

4.   Jehovah Elohim              The Lord, our Creator (Genesis 2:4)

5.   Jehovah El Shaddai       The Lord, God Almighty, all sufficient                                                                                                   (Genesis 17:1)

6.   Jehovah Rapha              The Lord, The Healer (Exodus 15:26)

7.   Jehovah Nissi                 The Lord, The Banner (Exodus 17:15)

8.   Jehovah Shalom            The Lord, our Peace (Judges 6:24)

9.   Jehovah El Elyon           The Lord, the Most High God, 
                                                                       the owner (Genesis 14:18)

10.Jehovah Adonia             The Lord, our Master (Genesis 15:2)

11.Jehovah Shaphat          The Lord is Judge (Judges 11:27)

12.Jehovah Saboath          The Lord of Hosts (1 Samuel 1:3)

13.Jehovah Raah                The Lord is Shepherd (Psalm 23:1)

14.Jehovah Gibbor             The Lord is Mighty (Isaiah 42:13)

Growing up in dad's Amherstburg, Ontario church in the 1970's, one of my finest memories is of Mrs. Stewart.  She was an old black saint in her mid-70's that had seen more than her share of trials & tribulation.  Bishop Morley Stewart, her husband had been a respected black preacher who had "gone-on to his reward".  Together and for many years, they had ministered with the Ontario Church of God in Christ in many a vibrant black assembly in the Windsor/Detroit area.  Elderly now and alone, Mrs. Stewart as a widow was tasked with raising the two energetic children of her wayward son, who had got caught up in the drug world -not an easy task for an old lady!  She deeply loved the Lord and with hands lifted high would bare her heart to God in prayer and song. She had learned to live her life focused on HIM!

Image result for old negro black lady plays piano

She would show up often late on Sunday night because she couldn't get a ride to her regular black church, but could walk to our church although it was quite a long walk.  So she walked; with her two very energetic bouncy-grand-kids in tow.  She arrived under some of the fanciest hats I'd ever seen.  Dad would see her come in from the pulpit, smile and yet again ask if she would "play us a special on the piano".  She would never say "No", and shuffling to the piano would sit down, tickle the keys a bit, re-adjust the bench, tickle the keys again, push up her glasses, blow her nose, clear her throat, hum a few bars... and then when she was ready, give her head a toss and begin to sing out strongly in a cool, raspy voice.  I thought it was the sweetest song this side of heaven....  It was obvious she knew what she was singing about.  And my! - she was old, but the woman could boogie with that piano! I doubt if even one key was left unpressed on that thing.  Man, the place would just come alive on the refrain!

"He is my EVERYTHING, He is my Aaalll,
He is my EVERYTHING, both great and smaalll.
He gave His life for me-eee, Made everything neewww,
He is my EVERYTHING, now what about youuuuu."

"Compound-Redemptive Names":
"Compound" in that each begins with "Jehovah" (or JHVH, in Hebrew), "Redemptive" in that it involves Redemption (Deliverence, or Rescue).
Looking at the Old Testament Jehovahistic names for God, made me think of old Mrs. Stewart.
Is there a sense of Jehovah God's involvement in all aspects of my life.  YES!
Perhaps studying these names are a starting point for you to get to know Him, just a bit better.  He IS & BECOMES the answer to whatever your needs are. Provider, my Everpresent Help, my Righteousness, my Creator, my Sufficiency, my Healer, my Banner (he even goes ahead of me), my Peace,
my Owner, my Master, my Judge, my Lord of All, my Shepherd...

"God Specializes!"

In Isaiah 54 He becomes the Husband to the divorced woman. In Psalm 10 He becomes the Father of the orphaned. In Zechariah 2:5 He becomes the wall of fire to those who need protection. In Isaiah 62 He becomes the Bridegroom to the woman who's grieves that she'll never marry. In Exodus 15 He becomes the Healer to the sick. In Isaiah 9 He is the Wonderful Counselor to the confused and depressed.  It continues into the New Testament through Jesus Christ his Son! ...In John 4 He becomes the Living Water to the thirsty. In John chapter 6 He's the Bread of Life to those who are hungry for more than this world can give.  And on and on!

Are you living life focused on HIM? 

Lord I want to worship you for who you are and what you've done! You are my EVERYTHING!


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