Route 66 Recent BIBLE STUDIES:

Nov 29, 2017

10 Greatness Traits: #6 A Great Man knows Love means Commitment ~ JT Waresak

Ed's Note:  JT Waresak studied 10 "greatness" traits in the lives of many great men of the past and present. Let's look at theses traits one at a time:

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Greatness Trait #6:

A Great Man knows that real love means commitment at any cost, especially as it relates to his wife and marriage.

Trouble for Israel? ~ Joel C. Rosenberg

Ominous: Putin holds summit with Iranian & Turkish leaders to strengthen anti-Western alliance, discuss next steps in Syria. Trouble for Israel. Here’s the latest.

by joelcrosenberg
(Jerusalem, Israel) -- After several years of darkness falling on the Middle East, we're actually seeing quite a bit of good news in recent months.
  • The U.S.-led coalition of Sunni Arab countries is systematically crushing the Islamic State. The Caliphate has been dismantled. ISIS jihadists are still a threat, but they're being driven out of Syria and Iraq.
  • With the fall of the Caliphate, the ISIS-led genocide against Christians and Yazidis is over, as is the relentless slaughter of Muslims who don't share ISIS's wicked theological and political views.
  • The Saudis are making major reforms and cleaning house in significant ways inside the kingdom -- they're also developing closer ties with Israel, as are the Gulf emirates.
  • This week marks the 40th anniversary of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's historic visit to Jerusalem in 1977, and the beginning of a dramatic peace process that led to the Camp David Accords in 1979.
  • Four decades later, Egypt's peace with Israel is not perfect. But the relationship between the two governments is closer -- and warmer -- than ever.
  • What's more, President el-Sisi told our Evangelical Delegation earlier this month how highly he regards Sadat's legacy of peace, and how he wants to build on that legacy. Mrs. Jehan Sadat, the widow of the late Egyptian leader, also told us over tea in her home how highly she regards President el-Sisi. She said he is carrying on her husband's legacy. That is no small thing, especially just a few years after the Muslim Brotherhood nearly burnt Egypt's society and economy to the ground.
  • Led by the remarkable King Abdullah II, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan also maintains a solid peace treaty with Israel and close security and intelligence cooperation. Nowhere in the Arab world are Christians safer than in Jordan. Indeed, as I mentioned when our Delegation met with the King in Amman this month, Jordan is an island of calm and stability in an ocean of fire. Again, given the history of the region, this is truly something to give thanks over.
  • Meanwhile, Israel's economy is booming. Tourism is at record levels. Natural gas is flowing. And polls show that most Israelis feel safer and more secure than any time in the last seven decades. This is all good news.
And yet, all is not well.
There are still many serious challenges in the region, especially for impoverished Palestinians -- especially for those living in Gaza, trapped under Hamas' cruel hand -- as well as for the millions of Muslim and Christian refugees in the region who have had to flee from violence in Syria and Iraq and have no idea where to call home.
That said, today was a particularly ominous day.
Today, the leaders of Russia, Iran and Turkey met in the Russian city of Sochi at a summit aimed at strengthening their emerging military and economic alliance, and at figuring out how to consolidate their gains in Syria.
Such an alliance is a new axis of evil, and it bodes ill for the U.S. and the West generally, and for Israel in particular. Indeed, students of the ancient Hebrew prophecies of Ezekiel 38 and 39 should be watching events carefully. One should not draw speculative, rash conclusions, of course. We cannot say that the eschatological "War of Gog & Magog" is at hand. But the trend lines in the region are remarkably consistent with the 2,500 year old prophecies.
Let us, therefore, remain watchful and prayerful, calm and sober, seeking the Lord's wisdom in how best to serve Him and advance His Kingdom in these curious days.
For now, here's more on today's sobering summit in Sochi....
"Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday a 'new stage' had been reached in the Syria crisis but achieving a political solution would require compromises from all sides, including the Syrian government," reported Haaretz, an Israeli news organization, based on reports from the Associated Press and Reuters.
"A three-way summit in Sochi on Wednesday between the leaders of Russia, Turkey and Iran could produce decisive steps towards ending the bloodshed in Syria, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said at the start of their talks," the article noted.
"Putin announced he and his counterparts at Sochi, Erdogan and Iran's president Hassan Rohani, supported the convocation of a Syrian peoples' congress as one of the first steps to establish inclusive dialogue in the war-ravaged country," Haaretz added. "Putin said the three leaders had instructed their diplomats, security and defense bodies to work on the composition and date of the congress.
  • Iran's military is also present in Syria, alongside Russian troops and Hezbollah, the pro-Iran Lebanese militia. They say that does not amount to foreign interference because they are in Syria at Assad's invitation.
  • As a prelude to the summit, Putin earlier this week hosted Assad at his residence in Sochi. It was the only time the Syrian leader is known to have left Syria since his last visit to Russia, two years ago.
  • Putin also made telephone calls in the past 24 hours to other leaders with influence in Syria, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, U.S. President Donald Trump and Saudi Arabia's King Salman, as part of Moscow's drive to build an international consensus over a peace deal to end the six-year conflict.

Capacity ~ Tim Gibb

God, through the Holy Spirit will fill every space in your life that you give Him!   

Remember the Old Testament scene where the prophet asked the widow to bring all the empty vessels to be filled with oil that she could sell to support herself?    

The oil only ran out when she couldn't produce any more vessels !!!
~ Pastor Tim Gibb (Braeside Camp Summer 2017)

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Now there cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets unto Elisha, saying, Thy servant my husband is dead; and thou knowest that thy servant did fear the Lord: and the creditor is come to take unto him my two sons to be bondmen.
And Elisha said unto her, What shall I do for thee? tell me, what hast thou in the house? And she said, Thine handmaid hath not any thing in the house, save a pot of oil.
Then he said, Go, borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbours, even empty vessels; borrow not a few.
And when thou art come in, thou shalt shut the door upon thee and upon thy sons, and shalt pour out into all those vessels, and thou shalt set aside that which is full.
So she went from him, and shut the door upon her and upon her sons, who brought the vessels to her; and she poured out.
And it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said unto her son, Bring me yet a vessel. And he said unto her, There is not a vessel more. And the oil stayed. ~ 2 Kings 4

Tell Me His Name Again ~ George Bennard

Ed's Note:
On the mission field in China, an elderly woman heard a missionary speak of Jesus one night. She was deeply moved by all she heard about the Savior, but forgot His name. After many days, she found the missionary and asked him, “Will you tell me His name again?” That question led to the writing of this song by George Bennard (1873-1958, an American Evangelist and Pastor. 

  George Bennard

The Scars Remain

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A story is told of a young girl who was frequently embarrassed by the terrible scars blatantly obvious on her mother's face.  Her friend's mother's were beautiful by comparison, and didn't look so ugly.

One day she asked her mother about why her face was so horribly disfigured.  Her mom began to explain to her that when the little girl was a baby, her mother had charged into a burning house to save her little daughter from perishing in the fire.  The scars and disfigurement were what remained from the succesful rescue attempt. The scars were the price her mother had to pay to complete the rescue and save the little girl from dieing in the flames!

After hearing the true reason for the scars, she was never again embarrassed about her mother's appearance.

So it is when we will see Jesus, the perfect Lamb who gave his life for our sin. He still bears the scars and disfigurement incurred by the Roman soldiers to purchase our freedom!

"...see the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David has triumphed." ~ Rev 5

~ From Chuck Missler's Teaching Series on Isaiah

Nov 22, 2017

10 Greatness Traits: #5 A Great Man Loves Justice ~JT Waresak

Ed's Note:  JT Waresak studied 10 "greatness" traits in the lives of many great men of the past and present. Let's look at theses traits one at a time:

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Greatness Trait #5:

A Great Man is a lover of justice.  

"He seeks to protect and uphold those that are unable to defend themselves, i.e. he practices real religion in caring for the orphans and widows of our times (James 1:27)."

Men and the Power of the Visual ~ Dennis Prager

Editor's Note:     As a Follower of Christ and a disciple, it is critical how you think on a variety of societal issues. The Bible tells us that we as Christians are "ARE IN THE WORLD", but "NOT OF THE WORLD", yet still we are astounded by our culture's rapid LEFT-Wing agenda that threatens to challenge and change everything we know to be Good and True as presented in scripture.  

In 2009, Dennis Prager started a website, Prager University, offering five-minute videos on various subjects such as the Ten Commandments, the minimum wage, the Middle EastGlobal warming, and happiness with a conservative perspective.  To be very clear, Mr. Prager is NOT a Christian, but has his roots as an Orthodox Jew, thus his videos do not necessarily view scripture exactly as Christians view scripture, nonetheless there are many general parallels between.  Here is another video in this series:
Why are men so attracted by a woman's legs, but not vice-versa? In five minutes, Dennis Prager explains why the answers to these questions reveal so much about male and female nature.

10 Greatness Traits: #4 ~ A Great Man Leads by Example ~ JT Waresak

Ed's Note:  JT Waresak studied 10 "greatness" traits in the lives of many great men of the past and present. Let's look at theses traits one at a time:

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Greatness Trait #4:

 A Great Man leads by example.  His actions align with his words.

Did God Really Say ... That the Bible Was Inspired? ~ Dr. Paul Little

Related in this Series:
Did God Really Say How the Home Should Work? ~ Dr. Paul Little


1 Timothy  3:1 - 4:5

  • The Bible is All About Jesus! (Both Old and New Testaments!)
  • The Bible is Inspired!
  • The Bible is unlike ANY other book in human history!
  • The Bible has the same impact on people, no matter what their demographic! Skin Color, money, or education holds NO barrier to the effect of the Bible on humanity!
  • The Bible brings people to their knees before Jesus!

  • The Bible "Works" ...  In ANY Context, when the Bible is followed,  "Life Gets Better"!
  • Crime Decreases, Marriages are Enriched, Wealth is Created, Addictions are Broken, Peace is Engendered!
  • The Bible just flat out WORKS !!!

7 Promises of GOD:

  1. I will be with you.
  2. I will protect you.
  3. I will be your strength.
  4. I will answer you.
  5. I will provide for you.
  6. I will give you peace.
  7. I will always love you.

He Is Our Peace ~ Ft. William, Scotland

Ed's Note: On my UK Summer 2016 vacation, I had the opportunity to attend Fort William Baptist Church (Scotland).  I enjoyed their AM Songservice and recorded "He Is Our Peace".

For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit. ~ Ephesians 2

10 Greatness Traits: #3 ~ He's the same man Wherever or Wherever! ~ JT Waresak

Ed's Note:  JT Waresak studied 10 "greatness" traits in the lives of many great men of the past and present. Let's look at theses traits one at a time:

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Greatness Trait #3:

 Regardless of ...
where he is, 
   what he’s doing or 
      who is with him, 

...he is the same man.

Happy 99th Birthday Billy Graham! ~ St. Mark

Woody Allen interviews Billy Graham
Billy Graham talks of End Times

The year was 1976.  Excited, I waited alongside Dad with about 50 other equally-excited ministry workers.  All of us were smartly outfitted in white shirts, suits and ties, as if we were awaiting royalty.  All of us had been invited to this important "Motown" organizing meeting by the BGEA.  Although this happened decades ago in nearby Detroit, Michigan, it was a moment that has embedded itself in my mind forever.  We'd also listened to Beverly Shea, his soloist for years on the TV.   As a family we'd played his vinyl records until they were scratchy.  Billy Graham, George Beverly Shea and Cliff Barrows - What a faithful team they were!  Three handsome men absolutely on fire for God!  But this was it!;  ...any minute he would enter the room and we would finally see and meet him personally!

Billy Graham had my absolute & utmost respect.  His effectiveness for Christ, his integrity, the things he stood for & his boldness in witness for Christ were unparalleled!  He could quickly draw you in with the power of his words and leave you significantly challenged.  He was and is legendary! He was the benchmark in the christian world setting the standards for decades to come.  My dad as a minister of the gospel just over the Michigan border, had been invited to represent our church with a number of other area pastors.  They promised to pray and support the upcoming area Billy Graham Crusade.

Billy Graham was the world's greatest evangelist, even surpassing the Apostle Paul and his ability to reach his generation!  

I was only 19 years old, and the youngest person in the room then, but I had been following his ministry since I was young enough to remember.  In those days, his large crusades even preempted regularly scheduled TV and radio programming.

A hush fell over the room as he humbly walked in flashing his smile and protected by a security detail; He stood just several feet from me. 

What can I say?  I was "moved" to say the least; what an inspiration he was to me.  He thanked & encouraged us for supporting his upcoming crusade and led us in prayer, calling on God to change people's hearts and accept Christ's Salvation when they attended the Crusade.  After this short meeting, his security people led him out.  I later learned that they were apparently protecting him from threats to his life and wisely taking all precautions.

I was left speechless, ... I had just met Billy Graham in person.

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Billy Graham was 99 years old yesterday!  
Happy Birthday!~ St Mark

Netanyahu Tells Russians: We Will Not Allow Iran into Syria ~ by Itamar Eichner

Russian Minister of Defense Sergey Shoygu and PM Netanyahu
Wednesday, 18 October 2017 |  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Russia’s Minister of Defense Sergey Shoygu Tuesday that Israel will not allow Iran to entrench its military forces in Syria.
“Iran has to understand that Israel will not allow this,” Netanyahu said during the meeting in Jerusalem, which was also attended by Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman.
Also during the meeting, Lieberman and Netanyahu also discussed the Iran nuclear deal which President Donald Trump refused to recertify last week.
Netanyahu warned the Russian defense minister that unless the deal is altered, Iran will be able to build up a stockpile of nuclear weapons within 8-10 years.
Prior to the meeting, Shoygu, as part of his two-day trip, was escorted by Lieberman around the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum.
Shoygu arrived in Israel on Monday evening to kick off what is the [first] visit in years by a Russian official in his position to Israel.
His landing came against a background of an attack by the Israel Air Force [IAF] on a Syrian aerial defense battery on Monday morning, which earlier launched a surface-to-air missile towards IAF planes
“This is his first visit, and as his first visit as defense minister, it is of extraordinary importance,” Lieberman said on Monday.
“We greatly appreciate our relationship with Russia, especially the openness and frankness. We don’t always agree but we always speak frankly and openly. We believe that the moment there is open and frank dialogue, any problems can be overcome.”
A day after Shoygu concludes his visit, Lieberman will take off for Washington to meet with US Defense Secretary James Mattis, with Iran occupying the bulk of their focus and Trump’s announcement of a new policy review of the US’s approach to the Iranians and the situation in Syria.
Photo Credit: Haim Zack/GPO
Prayer Focus
Seek the Lord God’s defense and deliverance for Israel from Iran’s efforts to take territory in Syria and expand their nuclear arsenal. Pray that Russia will clearly understand the significance of PM Netanyahu’s message.
O Lord my God, in You I have taken refuge; save me from all those who pursue me, and deliver me

- Psalm 7:1

Menno Simons to Be Canonized as a Saint by the Catholic Church 😎

~ from The Daily Bonnet ðŸ˜Ž

Sixteenth century Anabaptist leader Menno Simons has reached all the necessary prerequisites for canonization and will officially be declared a Saint by Pope Francis in August.
As an ecumenical move, the pontiff said it was time for non-Catholics to join the sainthood, and what better way to start than by adding the most radical reformer of them all.
Simons has met the necessary three miracle minimum as Bethany Sawatzky of Altona, Manitoba is alleged to have found an image of him in her morning waffles. Earlier in the year, Lancaster, Pennsylvania residents flocked to visit young mystic Rebecca Yoder who had visions of Simons at the local garbage dump. A prayer to Menno is also alleged to have been responsible for curing a mild cough that Henry Dick had been suffering from, although it also could have gotten better after Henry consumed a large quantity of black licorice.
Pope Francis is satisfied with the three miracles, noting that, “Anabaptists around the globe have long revered Saint Menno…and now they can officially pray for his divine intervention on their behalf.”
Rosaries featuring Menno’s visage were selling like hotcakes throughout Italy and Kleefeld, Manitoba today.

The Secret That Keeps Men From Singing in Worship

The Secret That Keeps Men From Singing in Worship

Worshippers stood obediently as the band rocked out, the smoke machine belched and lights flashed. Lyrics were projected on the screen, but almost no one sang them.It happened again yesterday. I was attending one of those hip, contemporary churches—and almost no one sang.
A few women were trying, but I saw only one male (other than the worship leader) making the attempt.
A few months ago, I blogged “Have Christians Stopped Singing?” I did some research, and learned that congregational singing has ebbed and flowed over the centuries. It reached a high tide when I was a young man—but that tide may be going out again.
And that could be bad news for men.

First, a very quick history of congregational singing.

Before the Reformation, laypersons were not allowed to sing in church. They were expected to stand mute as sacred music was performed by professionals (priests and cantors), played on complex instruments (pipe organs) and sung in an obscure language (Latin).
Reformers gave worship back to the people in the form of congregational singing.
They composed simple tunes that were easy to sing, and mated them with theologically rich lyrics. Since most people were illiterate in the 16th century, singing became an effective form of catechism.
Congregants learned about God as they sang about God.
A technological advance—the printing press—led to an explosion of congregational singing.
The first hymnal was printed in 1532, and soon a few dozen hymns became standards across Christendom. Hymnals slowly grew over the next four centuries. By the mid-20th century, every Protestant church had a hymnal of about 1000 songs, 250 of which were regularly sung.
In the church of my youth, everyone picked up a hymnal and sang every verse of every song.
About 20 years ago, a new technological advance—the computer controlled projection screen—entered America’s sanctuaries.
Suddenly, churches could project song lyrics for all to see. Hymnals became obsolete. No longer were Christians limited to 1,000 songs handed down by our elders.
At first, churches simply projected the songs everyone knew—hymns and a few simple praise songs that had come out of the Jesus Movement.
People sang robustly.
But that began to change about 10 years ago.
Worship leaders realized they could project anything on that screen.
So, they brought in new songs each week. They drew from the radio, the Internet and Worship conferences. Some began composing their own songs, performing them during worship and selling them on CD after church.
In short order, we went from 250 songs everyone knows to more than 250,000 songs nobody knows.
Years ago, worship leaders used to prepare their flocks when introducing a new song. “We’re going to do a new song for you now,” they would say. “We’ll go through it twice, and then we invite you to join in.”
That kind of coaching is rare today.
Songs get switched out so frequently that it’s impossible to learn them. People can’t sing songs they’ve never heard. And with no musical notes to follow, how is a person supposed to pick up the tune?
And so, the church has returned to the 14th century.
Worshippers stand mute as professional-caliber musicians play complex instruments, sung in an obscure language.
Martin Luther is turning over in his grave.
What does this mean for men?
On the positive side, men no longer feel pressure to sing in church.
Men who are poor readers or poor singers no longer have to fumble through hymnals, sing archaic lyrics or read a musical staff.
But the negatives are huge.
Men are doers, and singing was one of the things we used to do together in church. It was a chance to participate.
Now, with congregational singing going away, and communion no longer a weekly ordinance, there’s only one avenue left for men to participate in the service—the offering.
Is this really the message we want to send to men? Sit there, be quiet and enjoy the show. And don’t forget to give us money.
There’s nothing wrong with professionalism and quality in church music. The problem isn’t the rock band, or the lights, or the smoke machine.
The key is familiarity. People enjoy singing songs they know.
How do I know? When that super-hip band performed a hymn, the crowd responded with gusto. People sang.
Even the men.