Route 66 Recent BIBLE STUDIES:

Nov 28, 2014

Fernando and Teresa Sarrafo & Family- Missionaries to Portugal

Fernando and Teresa are currently living in Brampton Ont. Teresa manages a private estate and Fernando is subcontracting in the area of counselling (from a Christian perspective). Fernando was raised in the city of Toronto, but has always had a heart for the nation of Portugal. He spent several years in Portugal to learn the culture and language and to understand the Lords vision for his life and for that nation. While there he met and married Teresa. Since 1996 Fernando and Teresa have been working alongside Portuguese speaking churches in SW Ontario helping families deal with many issues. Their focus now is to bring this proven ministry to Portugal. Over time they have been involved with short term missions where ministries and agencies have been established. Their goal is to develop a Family Center which will provide urgently needed services to hurting families. These services will include family/marriage counselling, women’s outreach, teaching and discipleship.

The Sarrafo's : Vida Nova Family Center.
 David (missing), Reuben, and Joshua
*Ed's Note:  A technical glitch in a computer system prevented this missionary family from expressing fully what was on their heart for missions when they visited our church recently. The glitch caused the Powerpoint player to stop working.   I've asked Fernando to share a few of his Powerpoint pictures with us online at the ANVIL Newsletter, to give us a taste of what we missed that day.  This is a very exciting project!  Europe is in many ways closed to the gospel, yet God has a plan and people in place to begin to accomplish His Plan.  

PORTUGAL:  Their Mission Field (Vida Nova Family Center.)

   We approach the "Midnight Hour" at lightning speed (for human kind).  The ones that have been called out from the world to serve the God of the Universe and His Son the Majestic King of Kings Yeshua  (Jesus) are getting ready for the greatest encounter between men and divinity that can ever be imagined.  We believe that Jesus wants to soon rapture His worldwide Church!

   One of the ways to get ready for the hour is to put away all forms of evil and focus on Godly things,
  • study the Holy Scriptures, 
  • pray and listen attentively to the ever so precious Holy Spirit and last but not least 
  • work in a God-given mission field.

   This mission field can be anything from prayer to preaching to crowds or what ever He wills.
   Never despise the small beginnings of work for Him.
Here are a few examples of Sharing the Gospel:
     James, a dear friend and brother,  told me that he came out of small group of praying seniors that got together for prayer for over 50 years.  He described prayer so intense that many times angels would appear to listen in.  He described prayer meetings like an open “portal to heaven” where you could walk up the stairs to the Throne of Grace. This is James's prayer ministry.  Other people have other ministries.  Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke preaches to millions each year. 

 We are not all called for the same thing or have the same gifts.    
What about YOU?  
     Maybe you are like my brother "Henry" in the Lord.  In his spare time, Henry makes wood shelves in his garage and sells them.  The money is used to buy things for children in the third world.  Erika, his wife places the goods in the Samaritan Purse boxes and out they literally go to the ends of the earth!
   I urge you my brother or sister just simply do something for Him! Because when we go, nothing of this world can be taken with us, example; no houses, cars, gold or silver they all will have to be left behind, the only thing we can do is populate Heaven by telling people of the Way (Jesus).   We can support missionaries, by giving things or money.  -Money represents work!

   I love to give, and many of you reading this also like to give, we all feel real good about giving! 

    My family has a history of giving!  I remember my grandfather well.  He never turned anybody away that came asking for help,  My grandfather would say that “Only God knows what has happened in that man's life for him to live in such a way” Now, how much more should we give to expand  His Kingdom in these the last days?

   While pastoring in Brampton, our congregation decided we would like to build roofs for church's in the slums of Managua City in Central America.  We were moved with compassion at how those brothers and sisters lived.  All of us have seen third world countries with people wearing rags just begging, and as result we pitched in to help. Some helped in giving finances.  Others by actually taking time off work and going down to work those countries. One day I overheard a missionary that was working in one of those newly open Eastern European nations saying “While flying to the mission field I fly over the graveyard”, we asked the missionary, ..."what graveyard?”  
The missionary quickly explained that it was Western Europe! ... a very high-tech modern society that had expelled God from everything and was building the social fabric founded on socialism and atheism.  Europe is a pluralistic post-Christian society.

   Today one of the greatest mission fields in the world is Western Europe!  
     But wait, ...this seems backwards!  Hundreds of years ago it was Europe evangelizing the world, resulting in many places across the globe experiencing revival.  However, Western Europe has not experienced such revival.  Western Europe continues on building kingdom after kingdom on the blood of it's citizens.   The latest kingdom being the European Union, which already experienced two wars; one in the Baltic and yet another that is raging and growing in the Ukraine. ...Some even saying it's the beginning of World War III.
     Prosecution of the saints is just beginning.  A missionary friend mentioned that his home bible study in Belgium has been interrupted by assault police, resulting from calls from neighbors who accused them of holding “secret meetings”.  The missionary eventually had to get city authorization to do home group bible studies!  For the moment things have calmed down,  but evangelical Christians are frequently on the list of anti-government sympathizer groups. Only God knows how long this will last, and how it will spread to other parts of the continent.

     We have decided to take on a area in the European nation of Portugal.
     Just cannot explain these God things, but even though was raised in Toronto ever since I can remember always had the nation of Portugal in back of my mind. So much so that back in the 80's I did an European tour with a 74 Super Beetle and when arrived in Portugal decided to stay and not come back!  Of course the Lord was in it and he let me stay for a while not knowing it was a first step in preparation for my mission field. During that stay I not only was able to learn how to properly speak and write Portuguese but also meet a wonderful young lady that became my wife. Our firstborn son was born in Lisbon.  Soon after this,  the Lord placed in our hearts that it was time to leave and move back to Canada. It was in Canada that we took our first steps in serving the Lord in ministry and things have never been the same ever since.

   About 12 years ago I had a vision of the Glory of the Lord!
   It was coming out of the Throne of the Lord and coming down in the nation of Portugal. In the background there was a unseen choir singing in a crescendo; glory, Glory, GLORY... and when I asked the Lord where was his Glory falling?  

...He said “The Glory is Falling in the Glory of Ribatejo”.

   Later on that day I went to Google looking for “Glory of Ribatejo” and found out that it really exists. It wasn't until the Christmas of 2007 that we managed to get some money together to be able to go to Portugal and seek the Lord.  We wanted confirmation whether we had a calling for the project.  God did confirm that He had work for us in Portugal! 

     Upon our arrival back in Canada, we started the process to become Global Workers and in 2011 our first steps were taken in Portugal.
   With respect to town of Glory we discover that it's a very close-knit community, with no evangelical work whatsoever. We discovered another community about 10 Km away there is a Pentecostal church that is struggling to have proper installations for the congregation, therefore the town of Glory is not in their plans.
     But even though men has no plans the Lord of Heaven has, in fact He plans to have His Glory poured in that region, I told that to the pastor but he was more focused on having the much needed church building one day constructed, I wish that I could bless them... boy they sure need it!

  Portugal - My Power Point

     So having said that, let's take a closer look at present-day Portugal in pictures. These pictures tell a compelling story!

     Portugal is a maritime nation with a very large ocean territory, located in the southern west tip of Europe with a population of 10.5 million. It's made up of a continental mass and two archipelagos the Azores to the west and Madeira to the south. The Azores are only 2300 Km from Newfoundland, with old family ties to North America. 

     Portugal is one of the oldest European nations.  It became a nation in June 24 1128 and has a rich Christian  heritage with a early connection to Judaism, carved out of the Muslim caliphate that existed in the southern Iberian peninsula.
     The Portuguese sailed to every continent and establish an empire that lasted over 600 years.
I strongly believe the fall of the Portuguese empire had to do with the expulsion of the Jews and the embracing of a idolatrous type of Roman Catholicism, of which I will explain later.

     Today Portugal is a very modern nation with a network of universities, high speed rail, highways, health care system, even the Net works at higher speed than here. It's a founding member of NATO and a European Community nation.

With the forward trust to become a first world nation Portugal has embraced all that Europe represents, that is a socialist oriented government system, where humanistic values and mindsets prevail and godly moral values become more of something pass-e connected to older generations which according to the young generation “Christianity, religion, 'holds back progress”.

     As men move further away from God  the Heavenly Hand of protection is further away and as result a few years back the nation economically hit rock bottom, throwing many to the streets with no jobs. With the system saying that there is no God most people lost all hope, and today at night the main streets of the cities are fill with youth looking for something that they “hope to find”.

     The party starts at sunset and goes on through the early hours of the morning. A lost generation looks for love and acceptance at the bottom of a cup, or in the smoke of a joint, maybe a combination of light, sound and drugs. The system says “it's okay for they are only young people starting in life finding there way and as long everything is done in order and safety we should let them do it”.

     But when you lose your morals, youth, job, and savings, with the children at home living off a $300 dollar monthly government welfare check you become “Portuguese road kill” wandering from truck stop to truck stop, struggling emotionally living off the social garbage dump.

     Roadside prostitution is nothing more that beautiful people looking for love and acceptance on the wide and busy highway of life going no where to hell. Jesus said, “Narrow is The Way to Life and few find it”.

There was a time the Portuguese were great missionaries, the “Ordem de Cristo” in the 1500's sent missionaries all over the world, the Gospel was heard for the first time in southern India, Indonesia, Brazil, Africa, Japan, and Tibet, today it's completely opposite, the same way the empire has fallen so has the missionary zeal.

   In the center of the nation, the Roman Catholic Church has a city (Fatima) just for the practice of the “Marian Cult” to a deity call the Queen of Heaven or as the locals call it “Our Lady of Fatima”.
Because of separation church & state this harlot generates the money to maintain the Portuguese Roman Catholicism, therefore it's of utmost importance. “The love of money is the root of all evil”.       

     Exodus 20-3,4,5. "You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me”.

     There is a famine in the land! one has only to look at their faces, a famine not for food or water but for the Pure Living Water of the Word and Spirit of the God of Heaven.
Maybe seeing this will help shine some light on the great need in Europe/Portugal!

     The national obsession is soccer.  The national TV and others, have not one but various 3 hour long programs debating soccer stuff.  When people do not have a relationship with a loving Heavenly Father, Saviour, and Spirit, they consume themselves with superfluous things of no value which matter nothing in the scope of time and eternity.

     It's so sad to see people mostly men many of low income standing in line for hours pay way more than a days wage to go and see and worship these idols (Benfica team also known as The Red Devil), while at home they have depraved families, special the children.
     The family disintegration in Portugal is phenomenal 1 in 4 marriages end in divorce.

     In a economy where people have a low purchasing power, business do not last long, as a consequence many lose their jobs. Portugal along with other southern European nations have been under a economic recession.  Obviously the European Project is not working as promised, and as a result we have a drastic rise of fascist and communist parties at the polls.  This eventually will produce fanatic laws just like Nationalist (Nazi) Party in the last century.      

     (Unemployment Line) I remember growing up in Toronto in the 70's hearing “Go west young men go west”.  Here in Portugal, the word you hear today is “immigrate”. As you travel through out the cities what you see is mainly seniors.  Many young people, especially the skilled qualified workers pack their bags and leave the country due to the high unemployment.    Psalm 127:1  Unless the LORD builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted. Unless the LORD protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good”.

     Maybe we cannot help all of Portugal, surely we can help some lives. Why not start in one small city? Telling one person at a time that there is a hope and a Way, and that one can be rich without having money and one can be sure of a good future to come now and in eternity for ever more. 
In a dry weary land a small cup of water can go a long way, yes we are small but He is Big, and all He needs is willing hearts.

     The town of Glory do Ribatejo has no evangelical church. It's a very close community.  The youth wander the streets at night, yet the mayor says, "...all is well".   Obviously he is living in denial!
Little does he know that the Lord of Heaven has a big plan for his city, “The Glory is coming to the Glory”.

     Pastor Alexander is about 10 kms away from Glory. He rents a building that is small and in desperate need of repair.  Thanks to the brothers and sisters in Canada we were able to bless him.   
The Word of the Lord for the pastor was of “Taking the territory for the Lord and to focus on that”. We have hope and pray that he will "hold-fast" and follow through. 

     The congregation was blessed with some property; yet they lack the finances to build a church.  Pastor Alex, Pastor David and myself prayed at the altar in the field.  We are trusting that the Lord will provide through his Beloved Church, which is "His Hands" and "His Feet" here on Earth!

   Less than an hour away we have also a girls orphanage, it's run by the Portuguese Assembly of God, unfortunately the boys lost their orphanage do to lack of funds to rebuild the deteriorated building.  Because of a great need for orphanages the government still does not interfere with biblical teachings and the Godly way of running this particular orphanage.  This reminds me of the picture of the beautiful flower that pierced the concrete in the broken sidewalk. Here we have many flowers.

   Portugal is a completely "different" mission-field, compared to what many are accustomed to.   Portugal requires a completely "different" approach, must be living in the community, building bridges, creating relationships, meeting needs.   These wonderful people are so far from God and His Ways.  This is a mission field too large to be ignored!  We know that if we begin to minister, God is faithful and this people group will respond to the gospel! There is no substitute that will meet the need we all have deep inside of each of us.  Not sports, Not religion, and certainly Not government!  Only Jesus living on the inside can fill the void,  ...AND above all He has already promised to pour out His Glory, and, who can resist.

Thank you for checking this out and helping with our Vida Nova Family Center.


Ed's note:   Donating to the Sarrafo's Mission Plans: 

Yes people can receive tax charitable receipt from the PAOC here is the link.

Then click on Fernando & Teresa picture. OR
Contact below and say to donate: Fernando & Teresa Sarrafo/Portugal

The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
2450 Milltower Court
Mississauga, ON L5N 5Z6


The PAOC also issues Tax Charitable Receipt to residents in the USA need to contact them for that.
email: Fernando Sarrafo  @

Nov 25, 2014

A Parable: Saving Lives -Charles Swindoll

            On a dangerous seacoast notorious for shipwrecks, there was a crude little lifesaving station.  Actually, the station was merely a hut with only one boat...but the few devoted members kept a constant watch over the turbulent sea.  With little thought for themselves, they would go out night and day tirelessly searching for those in danger as well as the lost.  Many, many lives were saved by this brave band of men who faithfully worked as a team in and out of the lifesaving station.  By and by, it became a famous place.
            Some of those who had been saved as well as others along the seacoast wanted to become associated with this little station.  They were willing to give their time and energy and money in support of its objectives.  New boats were purchased.  New crews were trained.  The station that was once obscure and crude and virtually insignificant began to grow.  Some of its members were unhappy that the hut was so unattractive and poorly equipped.  They felt a more comfortable place should be provided.  Emergency cots were replaced with lovely furniture.  Rough, hand-made equipment was discarded and sophisticated, classy systems were installed.  The hut, of course, had to be torn down to make room for all the additional equipment, furniture systems and appointments.  By its completion, the life-saving station had become a popular gathering place, and its objectives had begun to shift.  It was now used as sort of a clubhouse, and attractive building for public gatherings.  Saving lives, feeding the hungry, strengthening the fearful, and calming the disturbed rarely occurred by now.
            Fewer members were now interested in braving the sea on lifesaving missions, so they hired professional lifeboat crews to do this work.  The original goal of the station wasn't altogether forgotten, however.  The lifesaving motifs still prevailed in the club's decorations.  In fact, there was a liturgical lifeboat preserved in the Room of Sweet Memories with soft, indirect lighting, which helped hide the layer of dust upon the once-used vessel.
            About this time a large ship was wrecked off the coast and the boat crews brought in loads of cold, wet, half-drowned people.  They were dirty, some terribly sick and lonely.  Others were black and "different" from the majority of the club members.  The beautiful new club suddenly became messy and cluttered.  A special committee saw to it that a shower house was immediately built outside and away from the club so victims of shipwreck could be cleaned up before coming inside.
            At the very next meeting there were strong words and angry feelings, which resulted in a division among the members.  Most of the people wanted to stop the club's lifesaving activities and all involvements with shipwreck victims....(it's too unpleasant, it's a hindrance to our social life, it's opening the door to folks who are not our kind").  As you'd expect, some still insisted upon saving lives, that this was their primary objective-that their only reason for existence was ministering to anyone needing help regardless of their club's beauty or size or decorations.  They were voted down and told if they wanted to save the lives of various kinds of people who were shipwrecked in those waters, they could begin their own lifesaving station down the coast!  They did.
            As years passed, the new station experienced the same old changes.   It evolved into another club...and yet another lifesaving station was begun.  History continued to repeat itself...and if you visit that coast today you'll find a large number of exclusive, impressive clubs along the shoreline owned and operated by slick professionals who have lost all involvement with the saving of lives.
            Shipwrecks still occur in those waters, but now, most of the victims are not saved.  Every day they drown at sea, and so few seem to very few.  Do you?

Nov 21, 2014

The Spirit of the LORD came upon David

Reading about David in 1 Samuel (chronologically).

God Has a Plan For Your Life!
  • Then the Lord said, “Rise and anoint him; this is the one.”  -1 Sam. 16:12
He Wants to Annoint You; He wants to Fill you with His Spirit!
  • 13So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David. -1 Sam. 13
His Spirt Will Make You Bold!
  • David asked, "...who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?" - 1 Samuel 17:26
  • David continued..."The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine."  -1 Samuel 17:37

  • David said to the Philistine (Goliath of Gath)   " come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, who you have defiled.  Today I will strike you down and cut off your head". -1 Samuel 17:45
  •  As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him.  - 1 Samuel 17:48

This is a great story to remember the next time you see a 
significant battle looming.  
Seek God's Spirit and His annointing. 
...then run quickly toward your battle in God's strength!

Nov 14, 2014

ANVIL Letter to the Editor Published in Georgetown INDEPENDENT

LINK: ANVIL Letter to the Editor Published in Georgetown INDEPENDENT

Our residents are the best
Georgetown residents should be proud of our community’s response to a need.
Our church men’s ministry became aware of someone we wanted to help. Long story shortened — a local middle-aged women had need of regular transport to her job in Georgetown South and her problem hips prevented her from biking.
Our group, Anvil Ministry for Men, decided to help her by way of raising some cash through a garage sale in our church parking lot (Georgetown Christian Fellowship).
An email to The Independent & Free Press which described our project was published and brought in a flood of calls from the community who seemed happy to help.
Because people were generous in their donating, we exceeded our sale goals.
Some highlights include a business owner who upped our project goal from a gas-motored bike assist to a more ‘proper’ scooter by promising some financial assistance.
Someone from the Norval United Church gave us a very generous donation from their church Outreach Committee.
Some of the donors turned out to be garage sale buyers as well, who further helped our cause.
We were able to see first-hand our community coming together for a good cause. We want to thank all of you for your support.
Mark,  ANVIL resource co-ordinator

Nov 11, 2014

Thank God for Canada! -Nov 11 Remembrance Day!

Thank you God for Canada! I happen to be in Ottawa this morning and took a walk on Parliament Hill around 8am and watched the prep for today's remembrance of those fallen in combat.

Tomb of the unknown soldier. It was at this site that Cpl. Nathan Cirillo died several weeks ago. 

The Master Potter's Plan for the Holy Land

Hands of the Potter
(Flickr/Abhisek Sarda)

"Therefore behold, the days are coming," declares the LORD, "that it shall no more be said, 'The LORD lives who brought up the children of Israel from the land of Egypt,' but, 'The LORD lives who brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north and from all the lands where He had driven them.' For I will bring them back into their land which I gave to their fathers."
—Jeremiah 16:14–15
This amazing prophecy came from the pen of one of Israel's acknowledged major prophets. For more than 3,000 years the Jews celebrated the exodus of Moses from Egypt's bondage as the greatest event in their history. Yet Jeremiah declares there is coming a second exodus that will be so great that the first exodus will pale by comparison.
Jeremiah states that the people will come from "the land of the north," which I believe is Russia. In the Bible, all directions are given from Jerusalem. In the mind of God, Jerusalem is the center of the universe.
Jeremiah expanded his prophecy of Exodus II to include "all the lands where He had driven them." As I write this book, the chief rabbi of Israel has his representatives going to the four corners of the earth to help Jewish people return to Zion. Exodus II is far from complete, as the mighty right hand of God continues to gather "the apple of His eye" to the land given to Abraham and his seed almost 6,000 years ago. 
Fishers and Hunters
The Bible is a book of parables and word pictures describing principles of truth from God to man. The prophet Jeremiah puts his pen to parchment and paints a vivid picture of the human agents God intended to use to bring the Jewish people back to Israel.
"But now I will send for many fishermen" declares the LORD, "and they will catch them. After that I will send for many hunters, and they will hunt them down on every mountain and hill and from the crevices of the rocks."
—Jeremiah 16:16, NIV
I believe this verse indicates that the positive comes before the negative. Grace and mercy come before judgment. The fishermen come before the hunters. First, God sent the fishermen to Israel. These were the Zionists, men like Theodor Herzl who called for the Jews of Europe and the world to come to Palestine and establish the Jewish state. The Jews were encouraged to escape while there was still time. The situation for Jews in Europe would only get worse, not better. 
fisherman is one who draws his target toward him with bait. Herzl and his fellow Zionists were God's fishermen, calling the sons and daughters of Abraham home. Herzl was deeply disappointed that the Jews of the world did not respond in greater numbers.
God then sent the hunters. The hunter is one who pursues his target with force and fear. No one could see the horror of the Holocaust coming, but the force and fear of Hitler's Nazis drove the Jewish people back to the only home God ever intended for the Jews to have—Israel. I stand amazed at the accuracy of God's Word and its relevance for our time. I am stricken with awe and wonder at His boundless love for Israel and the Jewish people and His divine determination that the promise He gave
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob become reality.
"Go to the potter's house."
In Jeremiah 18, the prophet presents a second vivid picture of the process God will use to bring Israel to its divine destiny. God tells Jeremiah to go down to the potter's house, and God declares that He Himself will be the potter.
"Arise and go down to the potter's house." ... Then I went down to the potter's house, and there he was making something on the wheel. Yet the vessel that he made of clay was spoiled in the hand of the potter; so he made it again into another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it. Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying: "O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter?" says the LORD. "As the clay is in the potter's hand, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel."
—Jeremiah 18:2–6, MEV
God makes it absolutely clear that He is the potter, and the pot in His hand is the nation of Israel. The first time the Lord set out to mold Israel as a potter molds the clay, He envisioned that the clay pot was marred in His hand.
God did not cast the pot away. Instead, He crushed the clay on the wheel and formed it into a second pot, whereby the divine destiny of the Jewish people could be realized according to His eternal plan.
On one of my many trips to Israel, I was taken to a potter's house in Hebron. Here the potter was making pottery on a pottery wheel just as masters of his craft had done for thousands of years before. He took a lump of clay, moistened his hands and, as he pumped the spinning wheel with his feet, carefully began shaping the clay into the image locked in his mind.
He found lumps and imperfections in the clay and plucked them out, throwing them onto the floor. Patiently, he shaped the pot, and when it didn't come together, he smashed it and began again. The second pot came out perfectly as everyone in our group applauded.
God, the Master Potter, has shaped Israel a second time. The process continues with imperfections being plucked out and cast aside. The pot will reach perfection when Messiah comes, and the whole earth will applaud as Jerusalem becomes the "praise in the earth" (Isa. 62:7).


Spiritual Awakening Coming 'Dry Bones' Israel

God's chosen people, the Jews, and the promised land of Israel are the hub that forms the wheel of prophecy. All end-time prophecy focuses first and foremost on Israel's importance to God and His eternal covenant with them: "All the land of Canaan, where you now live as strangers, I will give to you and to your descendants for an everlasting possession, and I will be their God" (Gen. 17:8). But because of the Jews' disobedience and rebellion, they were scattered around the globe, and control of their promised land of Israel slipped right out of their fingers for hundreds of years.
More than 2,600 years ago the prophet Ezekiel prophesied the resurrection of Israel from the Gentile graves in the lands to which she had been scattered, predicting the rebirth of Israel, which took place on May 14, 1948. Ezekiel also prophesied about the holy war that would take place in Israel some time after Israel's restoration to independence.
God gave Ezekiel a vision of a valley full of dry bones. I want to make it very clear that I do not believe that Ezekiel's vision has anything to do with the resurrection of the dead saints of the church. In Ezekiel 37:11, God told Ezekiel, "Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel." There is no doubt in the text that this could only be Israel.
In a vision, God took Ezekiel to a valley full of dead bones that were very dry and scattered. This was God's physical portrayal of the nation of Israel. Israel ceased to be a nation in A.D. 70 when the Jews were scattered to the ends of the earth by the Roman army under Titus. It would be more than 2,000 years before Israel became a recognized state again in May 1948—and the bones grew very dry!
God asked Ezekiel a perplexing question: "He said to me, 'Son of man, can these bones live?'"(Ezek. 37:3).
Ezekiel responded to God by saying, "O Lord GOD, You know" (v. 3). In other words, he was saying, "I don't see how it's possible. Death has done its work. Life is gone. Lord, if these bones live, it will require the miracle-working power of Jehovah God."
For nearly 50 years I have preached the gospel of Jesus Christ to audiences all over the earth. I have stood in churches, cathedrals, auditoriums, football stadiums and a preaching field in Nigeria with more than 3,000,000 people attending. Yet, like Ezekiel, as I have looked over the audiences large and small, I have often thought, "Can these bones live?"
In response to Ezekiel's question, God told him to do something very strange. It was the strangest message to the deadest congregation in the history of preaching! God told him to preach the Word of the Lord to the dry bones. "Again He said to me, 'Prophesy over these bones and say to them, "O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord"'" (v. 4).
The word "prophesy" doesn't always mean to foretell or to predict. Here, it means to speak out or to preach a message to the people of God. There is supernatural power in the spoken Word of God.
Ezekiel's faith conquered the limitations of his carnal mind, and he obeyed the voice of God. It is a Bible fact: Obedience brings blessing, and disobedience brings judgment. Ezekiel looked at the valley full of scattered, very dry bones and preached this message: 
Thus says the Lord God to these bones: "Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the Lord." 
—Ezekiel 37:5–6
Ezekiel proclaimed that God was going to do a supernatural work that would make those dry, lifeless, scattered bones live again. It would be a reversal of death and corruption.
In perfect obedience to the Word of God, Ezekiel said:
So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone. Indeed, as I looked, the sinews and the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them over; but there was no breath in them. 
—Ezekiel 37:7–8
Notice that the restoration to life for the bones was a process. It was not an instantaneous event. The bones were dry, scattered, and dead for a very long time. The dry bones in Ezekiel's vision represent the nation of Israel during the Diaspora, beginning in A.D. 70 (Ezek. 37:11). Gradually the bones came together, and the sinews and flesh came upon them.
It was at this point of Israel's gradual restoration that people like Theodor Herzl, the father of Zionism, began to call the Jews back to Israel. The "sinews and flesh" continued to come together as the Jews of the earth returned to Eretz, Israel, to drain the swamps and transform the desert into a rose. On May 14, 1948, at 4:32 p.m., the State of Israel, after 2,000 years, was reborn. Ezekiel's prophetic vision was fulfilled:
Then say to them, "Thus says the Lord GOD: 'Surely I will take the children of Israel from among the nations, wherever they have gone, and will gather them from every side and bring them into their own land.'" 
—Ezekiel 37:21
God made it exceedingly clear that He would bring the Jews back to "their own land." He would not bring them back to the Palestinians' land—He would restore them to the promised land of the eternal covenant God had made with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their descendants.
At the conclusion of Ezekiel 37, the nation of Israel had been physically reborn. Today they have a flag; they have a constitution; they have a prime minister and a Knesset. They have a police force, a powerful military and the world's best intelligence agencies. They have Jerusalem, the city of God. They have a nation. They have everything but spiritual life.
Like the dry bones of Ezekiel 37, Israel awaits the spiritual awakening of the breath of God and to the coming of Messiah.

Nov 6, 2014

Listen and Depend upon His Word

   I want to include a small but important passage I came across this morning.  In this scene, Samuel the man of God has confronted Saul.  How have YOU listened to God today?   Have you listened to Him from his Word?

  " ....Has the Lord as much pleasure in your burnt offerings and sacrifices as in your obedience?  Obedience is far better than sacrifice.  He is much more interested in your listening to him than in your offering the fat of rams to him.  For rebellion is as bad as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as bad as worshiping idols. 

....“I have sinned,” Saul finally admitted. “Yes, I have disobeyed your instructions and the command of the Lord, for I was afraid of the people and did what they demanded. (-1 Samuel 15 Living Bible)

Pornography's 3 Big Lies

By JT Waresak

"I started to write an apology, but I don't have anything to say I'm sorry for...It was long distance, and either your boyfriend is going to look at porn or he's going to look at you."   
- Jennifer Lawrence (actress)
I will be the first person to admit that men, in general, are wired differently than woman when it comes to visual stimuli regarding the opposite sex (yet, recent statistics have shown that this is a problem for women as well).  Having been involved in family ministry for over 10 years, I have walked alongside many men struggling with some form of pornography.  I can count on one hand the men that I’ve known that truly are not tempted and don’t struggle with the unabashed access we now have to online nudity.  In this sense, it is true that most men, and this includes Christian men, are tempted to look at pornography when it is literally one click away.  Yet, to say that men need or must pursue porn to function in life is just a flat out lie.  By God’s grace, Ms. Lawrence’s quote is way off base, and men can say “no” to porn and the lies that surround it.
Pornography’s 3 Big Lies:
  1. “It doesn’t hurt anyone.”
  2. “God wired me this way.”
  3. “It creates intimacy within our marriage.”
The Truth:
1.  Pornography hurts everyone.  Our sins always impact our relationships, first vertically with God and then horizontally with others.  Pornography is no different, and given its intimate nature can cause even greater harm.  When we choose porn over our spouse we devalue them and are essentially saying, “You’re not good enough.  I need someone else to fulfill me.”  Can you imagine the hurt this inflicts upon our spouse when we continually choose porn over them?  Another sobering thought is that the young woman we are looking at is someone’s daughter and very possibly the wife of another man.
2.  Yes, God wired and designed marriage to be an amazingly intimate relationship.  God has hard-coded the desire for intimacy between a man and a woman.  The covenant of marriage reflects the reality of this most personal union.  The physical act of sexual union also speaks to the passionate bond that a man and woman are designed to share.  Within this most sacred God-made covenant, marital intimacy takes on a meaning of pure oneness.  In this sense, it is absolutely wonderful for a man to desire his wife and a woman to desire her husband.   The book of the Songs of Solomon elaborates in great detail the fervent love that a man and woman can share within their marriage.  The beauty of the marital covenant, like other God-given covenants is this:  Within the boundaries of this union, i.e. holding fast to Christ, there is both total provision and complete protection. 
3.  Sexual sins like pornography destroys families.  While some couples may experience greater sexual satisfaction when involving pornography within their marriage, it will overtime kill their marriage.  Porn devastates true intimacy.  There is a simple truth that is universal in its application:  Anything that comes between God and me (the vertical) will cause separation in my marriage (the horizontal).  As shared before, we never sin on an island.  Sadly, couples that turn to pornography for greater “intimacy” within their marriages are doing just the opposite.   It also has ramifications for our children.  Beyond sad is the fact that the average age now for a child to view pornography is 11 years old (Center for Parent/Youth Understanding).  I’ve personally met dozens of adult men and women that are still recovering from their father’s legacy of porn and/or their exposure to it because of their father.  
There are a few verses that God used to convict me in this area:
Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.  
Hebrews 13:4
Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? Never! Or do you not know that he who is joined[d] to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For, as it is written, “The two will become one flesh.” But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him. Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin[e] a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.
1 Corinthians 6:15-19
While porn may give us a temporary sexual “high,” it will always damage our most intimate relationships with God, our spouses and our children.  Ms. Lawrence was correct that most men are wired in a way to desire intimacy with women that may lead a man down the path of pornography.  However, God also wired man with the ability to choose which path he will take.  This God-given yearning for sexual intimacy was designed to exist and thrive within a oneness relationship with our wives.  When it comes right down to it, our sexual desires as men are more about our spouses (putting their needs before our own), the marriage covenant, and the glory of God than they are about us. 
Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.  In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body.  
Ephesians 5:25-30