- My WORST day with Jesus has been infinitely better than my BEST day without Him ! (by Patrick Morley) Based on ... Luke 18:31
Route 66 Recent BIBLE STUDIES:
Feb 24, 2013
Why Are We Still Talking About Jesus?
The Big Idea:
Feb 22, 2013
MAN ALIVE Study Starts @ ANVIL Ministry for Men
Feb 21/2013 - Here is the view from both sides of the table as we begin an introduction to an exciting new series on Men's Discipleship, by Patrick Morley (At GCF's ANVIL Ministry for Men). On Feb 28th/2013, we begin Chapter 1 - There's still time for you to join us.
For the duration of this 6-week series, the evening's time management will be:
6:45 to 7pm - fellowship time
7:00pm to 7:15pm - all group together opening
7:15pm - 8:15pm - group sessions (including DVD presentation)
8:15pm -8:30pm -prayer with all groups together for prayer
Feb 21, 2013
Persecution: You are like a bright light, shining ...
by Greg Laurie
The great preacher John Wesley was riding along on his horse one day when he realized that three days had passed, and he had not been persecuted in any way. Not a single brick had been thrown in his direction. He had not been hit by an egg. So he actually stopped his horse and said out loud, "Could it be that I am backslidden or I have sinned?" Slipping down from his horse, he knelt on one knee and asked the Lord to show him if there was anything wrong with him spiritually.
The great preacher John Wesley was riding along on his horse one day when he realized that three days had passed, and he had not been persecuted in any way. Not a single brick had been thrown in his direction. He had not been hit by an egg. So he actually stopped his horse and said out loud, "Could it be that I am backslidden or I have sinned?" Slipping down from his horse, he knelt on one knee and asked the Lord to show him if there was anything wrong with him spiritually.
A man who disliked Wesley saw him kneeling in prayer, so he picked up a brick and threw it at him, barely missing the preacher. When Wesley saw the brick fly by, he said, "Thank you, Lord! I know I still have Your presence."
No wonder he was such a powerful preacher.
Your very presence and belief in God bothers some people. Sometimes you don't even have to say anything. You are like a bright light, shining in a dark place. Jesus said, "If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you" (John 15:18). You will be treated the same way Jesus was.
Jesus said, "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:10). Sometimes persecution can show itself in a brick coming our way or in physical harm, even death. At other times, it can show itself in mockery or rejection or losing a job or friends. But if you are living a godly life, then you will face persecution.
Feb 15, 2013
What Happens When Boys Climb Trees
Ed's Note: What a terrific
breakfast I had this morning while on a business trip here in Orlando, Fl.. I just had to stop & write it down for "you-all". Last evening, when I
learned Patrick Morley was giving his early morning men's breakfast bible study not far
from where I was staying, I made an effort to join him for that weekly study.
Morley has been hosting this study
now for the past 27 years, every Thursday at 6:50am, and many businessmen join
him on their way to work. Patrick Morley
is the author of "Man Alive", a book we are beginning to study in
ANVIL. As a newcomer to his "Man in the Mirror Bible Study" as it is known, I joined him at a table for
"first-timers" where he gave me copy of his popular book "Man in
the Mirror".
When someone has come in contact with you
...Jesus is passing by!!! (Patrick Morley)
The series name or theme of his study is "Hanging Out With Jesus", where learning is accomplished through stories of Jesus in the gospels. Today's study was entitled "What
Happens When Boys Climb Trees" from Luke 19:1-10. Morley is insightful and a gifted communicator! Today's study gives me a new perspective on witnessing! Here are
some snippets from the notes I took this morning. Follow what Jesus does as he reaches out to Zacchaeus:
Here's the link to see the video of this event !
Here's the link to see the video of this event !
Luke 19: 1-10 NIV
Zacchaeus the Tax
1Jesus entered
Jericho and was passing through. 2A man was there by
the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy. 3He wanted to see
who Jesus was, but being a short man he could not, because of the crowd. 4So he ran ahead and
climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him, since Jesus was coming that way.
5When Jesus reached
the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus,
come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” 6So he came down at
once and welcomed him gladly.
7All the people saw
this and began to mutter, “He has gone to be the guest of a ‘sinner.’”
8But Zacchaeus stood
up and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my
possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will
pay back four times the amount.”
9Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is
a son of Abraham. 10For the Son of Man
came to seek and to save what was lost.”
The Scene: Jesus is passing through...
- Zacchaeus, "sought to see Jesus", but the crowd was in the way.
- Jesus loves to love people who others love to hate;
- Sometimes the crowd gets in the way.
- Sometimes you have to do things different to reach your goals; (Zacchaeus was willing to go out on a limb to see Jesus!)
- Jesus invited Zacchaeus to come down & then invited himself to his house! ("The INTERMEDIATE Step") ...but People who saw this began to mumble & grumble.
- Jesus announced that "this day salvation is come to this house".
(When someone has come in contact with you
...Jesus is passing by!!!)
2. - DON'T BLOCK THE VIEW! (Don't be too quick to unload the heavy stuff...the 4 spiritual laws... or a bible study on Revelation in the original Greek etc., don't point out their sin to them, Let them discover Jesus.)
(This is where YOU can be
creative to introduce them to your church & other Christians & ultimately Christ!
.... like invite
them to play baseball on your church
team, invite them to an event, perhaps our lobster cook-off,
pig-roast etc.. Our pastor often has arranged various events designed just as this "intermediate step".)
With Patrick Morley, Author of "MAN ALIVE" , Orlando, FL (Feb 2013)
Feb 6, 2013
A Friend Of The World
Last April, Aris Metaxukis challenged us to be "Men Of the Hour". Recently, we asked Aris to share some more of his thoughts for us in a guest article for The ANVIL Newsletter. Aris lives in Peterborough, and is currently waiting on God for placement in a full-time ministry position.
Aris Metaxukis - "Men Of The Hour" (April 26/2012)
A Friend Of The World ... is an enemy of God
About 17 years ago, while on a mission trip in Northern
Greece, I had a conversation with a
pastor’s wife about blessings such as
our immediate comforts, like a nice
condo or house and a comfortable lifestyle. I remember I had remarked to her that often we set our
hearts on them and they can become an obstacle in serving the Lord. Her
response was direct and without hesitation: “I like what I have.” There was
something about her tone and directness that caused me to be alarmed. A few
years later, on a following visit, her husband informed that his wife had a new
revelation from God and now she was preaching “faith”, while others around her
now felt that God “didn’t want them to be poor.”
It has been my observation, on more than one occasion, that
what we set our hearts on, will inevitably influence our view of God’s Word. There
is nothing wrong with having good things. God is kind and good. Yet, we are instructed
to be careful what we cherish and pursue.
About a week ago, I read James 4:4 and
sensed the Holy Spirit emphasizing this truth strongly to my heart: “You
adulterers! Do you not know that
friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a
friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.”
You may not have a problem in the same area as in the “Health
and Wealth” of some hyper-faith folk in the church. Today, in the world, the culture of pluralism is an epidemic. It is the new standard and the
new mantra. The media and entertainment industry, our educational institutions and every area of public
discourse has been deeply influenced and largely converted to the idea that
everyone possesses their own truth; that truth is private and that everyone’s
views on values, God, family are all equally
valid. Moreover,
truth is relative and therefore just accept the “new normal” whatever it may
be. If enough people say “black is white
and white is black” the few dissenters will—eventually—join the crowd. It’s a
cliché but it is tragically true.
Maria Konnikova"s online article, in 2011, on Solomon Asch’s well known "line study" done in the 1950’s, (Bigthink, the Pesuasive
Art of Conformity) clearly states,
“… But there was something about
being the odd man out that caused intelligent, well-educated subjects to go
against their better judgment.”
point is well made, that people are susceptible to pressure and are willing to
negate clear, visible proof of what is real due to fear of rejection. This process of negation of reality may take time, perhaps
years, yet the principle at work is real and potentially devastating to the
church today.
I wonder how we are faring in the arena of public confession
of our faith? Do we still earnestly contend for the faith which was delivered
unto us? (Jude 3) Do we still proclaim, “I am not ashamed of the gospel of
Jesus Christ because it is the power of God
for salvation…”, (Rom 1.16) or, is our spiritual ear listening a little too
politely to the whispers of the world?
As the Apostle Paul warns the younger Timothy ,“… in the last days,
some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits… ”. (1 Tim 4.1)
To be honest, I am troubled by the constant lies and distortions in our
western culture, and the weakening
position and response of the Christian
church (not only on pluralism but on many other issues). The Bible teaches and
encourages believers, those “… in whose heart is My law … not to fear the
reproach of men. “ (Isaiah 51.7b) We need to examine our own hearts and
say, “Search me, O God, and know my
heart … and see if there is some wicked
way in me.” (Ps 139.23-24b). The idea that God considers adulterous the desire for approval
or friendship with others in the
world, at the expense of truth, should
not shock us. It reveals that we are yet
weak and need to ask the Lord to help us
DIE to these human and yet sinful
propensities. We need to turn to the
Lord with a sober mind set, understanding the time in which we live, and receive
from Him the grace which He so richly
promises us. We are taught in the Word that we have continual access into this
grace in which we stand, even into the very presence of Almighty God, as Jesus
opened the way for us into the Holy of
Holies. (Rom 5.2)
I believe that we, as men of the church today,
play a crucial role. As we are
called to be leaders, God will hold us to account on how we have stood for Him
in an unpopular time. The critically
deciding factor will be our answer to the question :
Whose friend do we really want to be, God’s or the world’s?
If we give God a
wholehearted “yes”, others around us will
see our bold stand and take note that Christ has touched us, not giving sway to
the present mindset of pluralism or
whatever other –ism is in the world today. We can overcome as Jesus
has promise us the victory. To the Church of Laodicea, the lukewarm church, Jesus concluded with these words: “To him who
overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat
down with My Father on His throne.” (Rev 3.21)
May we say, “Yes Lord Jesus, I want to be loyal to You, here
I am, I want to be your man.”