Route 66 Recent BIBLE STUDIES:

Jul 26, 2012

PAOC Men's Retreat - Chesley Lake, Ontario

PAOC District Retreat,  Sept 28-29, 2012
78 Camp Road RR#3, Allenford, Ontario N0H 1A0  
(519) 934-2071 /  /

Jul 23, 2012

2012 Teen Challenge "Freedom Ride"

L to R: Elaine and Dwight Dyke, Mark & Andrea Howson, Harold Kirkland.

A few of our ANVIL supporters and wives joined the annual Teen Challenge "Freedom Ride" on July 21, 2012 to help raise funds for the TC Womens Shelter. The total raised was apx. $27,000 this year.  Dwight Dyke raised close to $1700, and won the prize for the rider with the most sponsers!  Congratulatons Dwight!  Dwight and Elaine rode their 2007 GL1800 Goldwing in the four hour ride across Halton, Peel & King counties.  The Ride started at the Teen Challenge King City facility.
NOTE: July 26/2012: A late corporate donation by Precision Electric increased Dwight's total raised for the Freedom Ride another  $1,257.85 to apx. $3000.00  !!!

Recently (Jan 2013), Dwight met his challenger at the 
Toronto Bike Show, @ th Intl. Centre.
Here is Dwight the #1 fundraiser shown with the #2 runner-up to the fundraiser challenge!

Hey Men....hoz yer summa go'in?  
            ...Come on out Thursday nights and tell us all about it!!!  Summer is to be shared with friends.  See ya!

>Proverbs 18:24 says ... man that has friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.